Brands on pine bedding

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
So Calif
I was wondering for the people that use pine bedding what brand do you use? I have been using a brand for 3 years that has some spruce in it. The person told me that spruce is toxic to chins. I do not know how much spruce is in it.

Aspen is out of the question since I found the 2 cu which expands to 4 cu at $13.00 a bag. I would go through 9 bags a week at about $117.00 a week

I also emailed a rancher out here to get his feedback.
I use Dejno's pine shavings it 3 cu ft compressed and 7 cu expanded. I pay $5 per bag and I get it from my local feed store.
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I just searched a list by Tunes, and spruce isn't listed either way.
The pine chips we get do list spruce also, but I put them in the cages by hand, and remove anything I don't like, and I'd say it's 95% pine as I can't see much of a difference, if at all!
We've a "Big R" store not too far, and they're usually between $4 - $5 a bag there. Been using it for around 10 years without a problem!
I use Dejnos too. 3 cu expands to 7cu for right around 5.00 we get it delivered right to the house for the horses too.