Boy chin spraying?

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Chin lover
Jan 29, 2009
Mississauga, ON Canada
I have one male rescue here with me (and he's a boy FOR SURE! lol) and he has been super shy. He is slowly coming around but tonight when I went to see if I could offer a scritch he assumed the position to spray!

Now he didn't do anything and I've only had one female rescue actually spray me. Does anyone else have a boy that will spray or at least assume THE position?

I'll have my camera handy when I go see him from now on.
All of my boys have assumed the position at least once. 2 of them have attempted a spray. They dribble more than spray anything though. lol.
It's funny that this post comes at this moment.
We also have a rescue (definately a boy, but neutered) who can and does spray.
It's quite unusual. His aim is pretty good too. He's gotten my daughter a couple of times now.
Same here. When Roo gets an attitude, he assumes the position, does a couple hip thrusts, and dribbles out pee. Sooooo intimidating. :rolleyes:

You're so cruel - at least give the poor lad 10/10 for effort. :rofl:
Well I'm not going to worry too much and try to jump out of the way. He did the hip thrust thing too! I'm still trying to get it on video. He just hasn't wanted to do it since last night!
My chin Kodi does it almost every time I take him out of his cage, luckily it doesn't go right at my face! since his pipi is facing down :) but I'm used to
Same here. When Roo gets an attitude, he assumes the position, does a couple hip thrusts, and dribbles out pee. Sooooo intimidating. :rolleyes:

This is why they bite you and run. You mean mommy, poking fun at her Roo.
My Samson used to be so sweet....then I put him with a girl with an attitude. She sprays, and now he thinks he can. Very humorous when he tries, and dribbles, tries, and dribble, again and again. :rolleyes: I just stand there and laugh. and then he get's ever more angry with me!