I know how you feel!
I have had the same problem as well with my chin. We share a bedroom and he has a little more than 1/3 of it. I'm chin-proofing the whole room now with wire cloth (NOT CHICKEN WIRE) and it should be done soon. Then he'll have more room to go wild, lol! I also have some wood left over from adding onto his cage (all homemade-that's where the wire cloth came from), so I'm planning to make shelves around the room where he can jump to (not where he can get into any trouble), all different heights, the highest being about 3 feet probably. I've seen him jump about that. SOmeone also told me about a see saw idea made out of wood, which sounded cute. It's just a much smaller model of a child's seesaw. I'm buying him a wheel now, but once I have more money, I'm going to try a flying saucer as well to put outside his cage-maybe that'll add some entertainment. A lot of his entertainment now is climbing his cage-it's over 5 feet tall, jumping all over me and my daughter, and trying to get out of his area-they love what they can't have, so maybe make the illusion that she can't get somewhere-wire cloth (or if she's a large chinchilla-totally full grown-chicken wire is okay, but it's very dangerous to small chins). Wrap it around something so she can climb up the wire (making sure there are no sharp edges)! He climbs his fence all tthe time, lol, and I think he honestly likes doing it!
Other than that, I can't really think of anything. I'll be checking back for more ideas for me, too, though!