Bonding with my chinchilla?

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Jul 8, 2013
I have had my chinchilla, Benvolio for under 2 years and he has just turned 2. He is a bit grumpy and refuses to be caught or held but I figured thats just normal. We tried holding him lots as a baby but as he grew he just refused to be held. He loves my mum but seems to dislike me. He will sit on my knee and let me stroke him for a tiny bit but he sometimes tries to 'go' for me, charging at me like he is going to bite me. Mum says I should bond with him, lie on the floor and talk to him lots but I am worried that he is too old and it is too late and no matter what I do he will never fully like me. Is it possible to bond with an adult? When he does go for me, I'm just sat on the floor in silence,like my mum. Thankyou for any advice :)
I got two of my boys close to 2 years old from breeders where they got attention but not as much as a pet. Both of them bonded with both my husband and me but it took time so I would take your mom's advice. I bet if you had one time a day where you bonded with him and than give a treat like an apple stick you'll be friends. Also none of my boys like to be held so when they let me give scratches when they are out of the cage I know it's because they like and trust me.
Thank you, he's extra grumpy due to the recent heatwave so I won't fuss him too much but I will bond with him once it cools down and his mood improves!