Bonded pair fighting because of 3rd male.

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The Rat Lady
Dec 27, 2012
Well the intros with the pair (one at a time) and my lone male didn't work at all, everyone hates everyone. And that's alright.

But the problem is the bonded pair starts scuffling every time they hear the lone male in the other room. He starts making loud calls that can be heard anywhere in the house, and they get visibly agitated and take it out on each other.

I didn't anticipate this problem, and I'm not sure what to do.
Since they are fighting I would separate them before it escalates further. After I moved new chins into my chin room after their quarantine, one of my males killed his cage mate that he was with over a year because of the new comers. He couldn't even see the new chins, but I'm positive that's what set him off.
Do you think if I rehomed either the pair or my current male it would stop? I feel bad for causing them to start getting like this with each other.
Worst case scenario, you separate all three and have them in three separate cages. I would not rehome them. This is just something you have to be prepared for when having multiple chins.
I thought the two newer boys would settle down if they were in a home with no other chins. They've lived 8yrs together with zero issues.

And would it be best to keep them all in the same room, or in separate areas of the house?

Thank you guys.
Can you divide your cage into different sections? I know alot of people here got FN or CN cages, is it possible that you could somehow divide the cage so they could each stay in their own area?

I just have a pair of bonded chins, so i dont even know if that would work... just a suggestion....
Yes, I can and I've thought about it. Their cage is 5'X5'X2', it could be separated.

They don't seem to mind each other a bit (the pair and the lone male) if their cages are close to each other.

I don't know, they like being difficult.
I just went through something similar. My bonded boys (father and son) started fighting after being housed next to our newest chin for 3 months. The father and son are now in separate cages and the new one is with the son. Their cages are right next to each other and that doesn't seem to bother them.
I've had 2 bonded pairs start fighting. First Mr. Whiskers and Baby and several years later after Baby died, Mr. Whiskers and The Snuggler.

Whiskers and Baby were both neutered at the same time on the advice of my vet, so they recovered together and renewed their bond.

When The Snuggler started getting aggressive with Mr. Whiskers, he, too, was fitted for HIS Little Pink Apron. He recovered and rebonded with Mr. Whiskers. They continue to live happily together, but I remain vigilant, as I know that someday that could change.

I DO think that less testosterone makes for less aggression; even Dr. Fitzgerald commented, "Man, those testicles are nothing but trouble"!!! I asked him if he was speaking from experience and he just smiled and chuckled!!!

If done by an experienced Exotic vet, neutering is a very safe procedure. Today's procedure is a lot different than it was in 2006 and 2008. All 3 of mine did well and only Mr. Whiskers needed some subcu fluids after his.
Okay, now the problem is.. I made the mistake of not washing my hands after playing with the pair, and my lone male attacked my hand. Now, every time I go to talk with him, and try to hang out with him, he immediately gets very upset and tries to bite me. He bites anything I offer through the cage - I tested to see if he'd really bite me again by offering a bit of my sleeve and he immediately bit and tried to pull it through, then caught on that it wasn't me and stopped.

Every single time he hears the other chins, he gets highly upset and starts barking, chewing on himself, biting anything within reach. It's getting crazy, and I think the new guys need to go back to their old owners or I'll find another home if they can't take them back. Which REALLY sucks! I like these boys a lot, they're very sweet.

OR, we have a local Chin rescue who works with even troubled chins to find them a friend and then adopt them out. I was considering talking to them about him. Maybe they have someone looking to adopt a single chinchilla who can devote time to bonding with him.. I don't know, this situation sucks.