Blu-Kote question...

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Jun 15, 2010
Macungie, PA, U.S.A.
My chinny has the begining signs of bumblefoot, and her vet told me that I should get her Blu-Kote since my chinny had a allergic reaction to the topical medication they orginally prescribed to her. Is there anything I should be concerned about? I did alot of research, but i didn't find alot about treating chinchilla with it. Please help me ease my mind. Thank you!! From
my and from my chinny!
Pretty much all hobbysts on here, as well as pet owners, have Blu-Kote in our first aid kits. It's perfectly safe to use on chins. It's actually made up of gentian violet which is used to treat thrush in human babies mouths.

I've eaten Blu-Kote. I can't give it a huge thumbs up for taste, but it didn't kill me. :)
They use a swab and paint gentian violet INSIDE of babies mouths, newborn human babies, who get thrush. I've ingested Blu-Kote with no illeffects. I've used it on wounds around the mouth, nose, paws, etc. It's fine.
Can I ask why the vets think your chin had an allergic reaction to the topical treatment?