Benefits of Fleece Liners over Shavings??

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I love my FurBlobs.
Nov 16, 2009
Arcata, Berkeley, CA
...Other than mess, of course! I use Aspen shavings in my FN142 and they seem to work well but make an awful mess. After viewing many a picture in the FN club thread, I have seen fleece liners. I want to know why people prefer them aside from the obvious...

And also, where can I get them?

What about hair-rings? I have two males, wouldn't that possibly... contribute to the chance of them getting one? Would I have to check more than once a month?

You can get fleece liners from multiple vendors listed under the supplies for sale section.

simple, straight to the point answer about the fleece.. they're easier to clean (just take a vaccum to them and wash them every few days), less mess because you only have a little pan of bedding for them to pee in and it just looks nicer in my opinion.

It adds more color to your cage and I've noticed my boys love snuggling up to sleep together in one corner of the fleece liner. Guess its better to snuggle on then dirty, poo'd bedding :)
It has cut my cage cleaning time in half. I don't have to buy shavings as often. It is much easier to clean the cages.

I have all boys and after switching to fleece I have had no increase in hair rings. In fact, in 4 years of chin ownership, 2 I have used fleece and I haven't even had a fur ring instance for about 3 years now.
I LOVE fleece liners! They're very easy to make on your own, if you're handy. I like them because of the reasons mentioned above - they're easier to clean, and the chins seem to really like them.

You do have to watch out for the occasional chins who are fleece monsters. There are some chinchillas who simply chew the liners to bits. It never hurts to try, though; just keep an eye on them!

I make liners, and I can usually find a pretty good price on basic, solid-colored fleece.