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Feb 3, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
How long should I wait after administering the antibiotics to give the chinch Benebac? I want him to receive the maximum benefit.
How often do you give the antibiotics? I would give the benebac either several hours before or several hours after the antibiotics.
Benebac may be ok for other animals, but I think its useless in chinchillas. In order for the bacteria to get where they are needed they have to make it alive through the stomach all the way to the cecum-with only 20 million bacteria good luck making it alive. You need as many bacteria as you can buy-at least 10 billion IMO, I use 18 billion.
OK. He really likes how it tastes so I mix it with his Critical Care to get him to eat more of it. At least it's not a total loss :)
In order for probiotics to be effective, you should give them about 3 hours after or before each dose of antibiotics. Once the antibiotic treatment is over, I'd offer probiotics once or twice a day for about two weeks. It's best to use multi-billion-count probiotics.

Also, you can give your chin some alfalfa hay, dry dandelion leaves, and a small amount of oats because they contain naturally-occurring prebiotics. Prebiotics are used by probiotics (for example, preferred food of bifidobacteria are oligosaccharides); they keep probiotics active.