being sick isn't fun

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dusty and i have both been home sick secin monday. it's not fun i just wanted to let you guys know. thanks for caring.
the doc gave me some cough meds with a pain killer in them. and another thing that helps with my ears and stuff. dusty has missed 3 days of work so far.
uh oh!!
I hope you both get better soon!

Although, I would love to have a day to spend with my bf!! Even if we were both sick!!!
Get well soon! It does suck to be sick and I wouldn't wish it upon anybody...Take the time to rest and get your body well again.
i know how you feel, im been sick sence monday also, i cant even get any sleep because i keep coughing none stop. it is deffinitly no fun!
i'm getting better dusty is getting a little better but he doesn't like taking meds. he's missed all this week so far. what a suckly way to spead vacation time.

feeling alot better today still have a little cough but other than that we're doing alot better. a whole week off work sucked but what do you do.
i'm sick of being sick

i was sick all last week i'm still sick this week with a really bad ear infection.
Dusty was sick last week and we just found out he has lost a total of 16lbs in less than 2 weeks. I hate being sick i've had alot of ear infections lately, the doc doesn't seem to be making them better.

thsi year i'm getting the FLU SHOT.
ER vist lastnight

well today is a better day lastnight was a nightmare. I had to go to the ER b/c of my ears they were hurting so much that i was just in tears. my head had alot of presser the doc put me on claritin once a day to help clear up the presser in my head,Amoxicillin-clavulanate twice a day to help with my ears and Vicodin 1-2 times a day to help with the pain.

I feel better i'm not in any pain my ears are still full but it's helping alot. So latenight was a rough night. but i slepted Great Dusty slepted on the couch all lastnight until about 6am when i want and laied down next to him.

I am very lucky to have such a wonderful husband.