Behaviour after labour?

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Active member
Jun 25, 2013
Hi everyone.
A few months ago I purchased a breeding pair of chinchillas. This morning I came downstairs to see that my girl had given birth to a gorgeous little mosaic kit! This is not her first litter, but it is my first experience of a baby, so I have a few questions.
It's been about two hours since she gave birth and the kit seems happy and healthy (I've not yet had change to sex or weigh it, I don't want to push my luck with the mother so I'll give it a couple hours). My question is about the mother. I'm keeping a close eye on them and I noticed hat she's stretching her back legs and lying on her side a lot. I don't know if this is normal or not. She's able to hop about as she usually does but before moving around she stretches her back legs quite a bit. Is this normal behaviour for a female that's just given birth?
Thanks for reading, and please feel free to throw any random advice at me. I have done a lot of research into this but I appreciate that a lot of you guys are way more knowledgeable than me on this.
FYI- The cage they're in is a two tier John Hopewell cage. It's got steel trays and there's nowhere the baby can be on a wire bottom. At the moment the male is being quite protective over the mum and baby so it's a little difficult for me to separate them, so I'm keeping an eye on him and waiting for him to move to the upper level so I can close it off. There are still two shelves in the cage but I'm going to remove those as soon as the male is separated.
The male and shelves need to be out now. Don't wait. There is a good chance she is already bred back. Stretching is a sign of discomfort. She may still have a 2nd kit or need to pass the after birth. Keep a close eye on her. If she doesn't stop shortly I would be concerned.
Thanks Dreamlite. I've now separated the male and female and there are no shelves in with the kit and female.
Oh, and I'm happy to say the female has stopped the stretching now. Taking the shelves out seem to have confused her though so she's jumping around a bit, but she should calm down soon hopefully.