Behavior from moving or puberty?

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2011
I have two male chins. Orville was born late last April, and Wally was born on March 18th.

Wally has always been resistant to being held, and he chews his fur. Orville used to love coming out of the cage. When I walked into the room he would come to the door and want to be held.

Last week, I had to move to a new apartment. My old place was in a downtown city-like area, where you hear cars and trucks go by often. Also, my A/C was a loud box unit. My new place is near a wooded area and is much more quiet, with central air. Due to the move, I didn't get the chins out for very much for a few days.

Their behavior has markedly changed since the move. They are very skittish. When I walk into the room, or even if I am just sitting there and then stand up, they both freak out and hide somewhere in the cage. Orville doesn't want to come out like he used to. Last night I had him out in a playpen, and he just sat there doing nothing while Wally popcorned around him. Tonight he popcorned though.

I am wondering, do you think this behavior is due to the move or puberty or something else? I noticed Wally hit puberty recently and I can give him a proper hair ring check. Orville doesn't appear to be quite there yet.
It wouldn't surprise me if it was either to be honest. Moving a chin to a new location is going to have an effect. They have a whole new area/smells/sounds to get used to. I would just give it some time to let them get accustomed to the new place.