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Dec 3, 2012
San Diego CA
My chin is very young and seems to beg alot.
Im not sure if thats something chins do.
If im reading a book durring our together time he will hop up in my lap and explore the book and nibble it. He dosn't chew books Im not reading. If I move him or the book he will squeek and get right back on the book.
Once he was sitting on my chest and I was chewing gum, He stole it when I yawned. I quickly got it back from him and threw it in the trash, i didn't really think that threw to much and he hopped in the wastebasket after it. he didn't get to chew or swalow any of it.
If im on the computer or texting he wants to be on the phone or laptop, hes attempted to help right this email.
If I make dinner he often smells it and bites the cage and stares at me. and whines for it. he stands up for it.
He demands to be let out of his cage and is a good boy when out, but he tells me when he wants out and will go back in the cage for a nap. If I want him in the cage I call him over with a treat he consents to being picked up but glares at me when he is put back in.
He has loads of toys in his cage and he enjoys most of them, but Im not sure what to do about him demanding everything in my hands.
he wont eat treats unless I hand them to him. There is no way I will ever give him people food. But what can I do to help curb this behavior his begging is cute, but probably not a healthy habit. I don't know how much longer I can resist the cute.
Well if he is dictating to you when playtime is, and you're listening, then he's going to learn that you'll do what he likes. Have him on a set schedule for when he comes out, and how long he stays out. During playtime, just give him your attention. He sounds like a cutie actually, and my guy will do the same thing if I am writing or typing on my laptop while he's out and about, he starts chewing on things that aren't allowed cause he knows it'll get my attention, and then he'll stop as soon as I put my computer down, or he'll hop across the keyboard pressing a thousand buttons. I've learned it's not worth it to multi-task with him. If you have maybe 20 minutes to just play with him and not text or read or anything else, he'll be much happier and you'll definitely catch him doing some cute stuff to show off ;)
As far as begging inside of his cage, do your best to ignore him if he's begging for food, etc. and maybe even try giving him scritches or attention inside the cage at set intervals and times, so that way he'll know it doesn't matter how spoiled he acts, and he'll knock it off. He should adapt pretty quickly, give it a solid week or two of dedication and hopefully be a little less demanding, but still equally cute.
Wow, he's got you trained very well. Definitely don't give in everytime, you are showing him that begging will get him what he wants. So, he's going to keep begging until you stop giving him treats, playtime, etc. Chocochin has some good suggestions. Remember treats are supposed to be used sparingly, once a day or less, and should be something healthy for them. I give my boys hay cookies that I made once every other day and they get apple wood sticks (that they think are a treat) everyday. Wood, hay and pellets are all day everyday things. Treats like hay cookies, one plain cheerio, a small plain shredded wheat, a pinch of rolled old fashion oats, a rosehip are once a day maximum, I prefer every other day. Hopefully you can turn it around and train him as well as he's trained you ;) (my boys still beg, but I've learned to resist the cuteness, they make it hard though lol)
Treats should only be given once or twice a week, not daily. Chinchillas have very tiny tummies and it takes very little to fill them up. A treat a day is taking away much needed space for the food they need.
thanks I have started to endure his begging
His "treats" are accualy protien pellets the breeder gave to me in his starter kit. Its to promote a healthy coat. he gets 3 pelets a day and he gets them for performing his tricks.(Come when called and stand) hes also starting to respond well to positive reinforcement by scratches and a praise. He also acepts a Treat of hay or regular food, in his mind everything i hand him is a treat.
he knows when food time is and becomes vocal right before it
should I wait for him to calm down before feeding him, or just give it to him like clockwork. He gets a bannanna chip broken into peices over the corse of a week
it used to be two a week. but hes chubbyish Im not sure if hes just growing out before he grows up...err long.