Been gone a week - eye looks bad!

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2013
Okay, I just got home this evening from a week off. I left my chinchilla in the care of a good friend/sort of adopted little brother, who reported to me very dutifully, pictures and all. My most recent picture had been from Thursday and my chinchilla looked totally fine. The only off thing my friend reported was that my chinchilla (Chillermo, like Guillermo del Toro) seemed a bit nippy, but he was also checking in on him in the early afternoon, so it's possible he interrupted Chillermo's sleep (he gets very grumpy).

Some basic info: he's 1 year and 3 months on this coming Thursday, he's a mosaic, I've had him since February of 2013, I've never had any issues with him other than the usual puberty business, he's a fairly outgoing guy, very active, very adventurous, a wee cuddly. He's housed in a two-story Ferret Nation with all sorts of wonderful things (coconut shell holder for hay, a wood house, a bendy bridge for a house, a cuddle buddy, a hammock, two other strips of fleece since he likes to go under fleece sometimes, a variety of sticks and toys, though mostly poplar since he's picky).

I got home and I thought his eye was MISSING. I did not take any pictures of it at this immediate state because I started freaking out. Naturally, I called my mom to calm me down as I cleaned EVERYTHING. I swept his entire cage, changed his blankets (which are now in the wash with Dreft [baby detergent] just to be safe), took out any of his more interesting toys and left him with only simple poplar sticks at the moment (and his houses), restocked all of his food and water, blasted his water bottle with very, very hot water, etc.

His eye started to look better very quickly as I did this. He was behaving completely normally, if a bit grumpy at me for being gone (he took one small nip at me after I tried to look at his eye and bumped his behind). He's running around, standing on his hind legs, eating and drinking, etc. But his eye looked crusty initially, it was mostly closed, the rims around it were pink. However, now, after about an hour, you can hardly tell the difference. The pictures I took show nothing and looking at him from my desk here (which is about five feet away), I can hardly tell.

When I take a closer look, the rim around his eye is kind of red, the fur looks a little wet? maybe? but when I touch it, it seems dry. He let me look at it and touch it a little bit, but then he catches on to my motherly ways and tries to get away. I thought I felt a bump, but he got away. Looking even closer, there may be a bit of fur or something hanging over the rim but not into the eye, if that makes sense. It was not actively bothering him, but looked like from his rubbing could have caused fur to make the irritation worse? I'm going to continue to examine him as he let's me and update as necessary.

I'm mostly out of my panic, but I'm imagining he did something reckless out of his anxiety for me to get home and got something in his eye. I can't imagine this is an infection, but I am incredibly concerned regardless. Mondays are my least busy days and I will take him to a vet if anyone thinks that it's necessary (I wanted to take him immediately when I got home but there's no 24/7 exotics out here of course!), but as I see him progressing and behaving normally, I'm wondering if I should just keep a very close watch on him? Or if there's something I can do from home? If it was any other animal, I would probably get a hot compress to his eye, but I'm not sure how to go about that with a chinchilla.

He's staring at me now with the eye that looked poor, and again, I can't tell from here that anything's wrong with it now.
I just went over to him now after letting him calm down a bit from me coming home and cleaning. He was an incredibly, incredibly good boy (he has never been so well-behaved) as he let me pick at the fur around his eye. There were two little clumps that felt like bumps (and when I say little, I mean VERY small, kind of like little eye goobers like you have in the morning, but harder) that had been stuck in the fur around his eye. He was very, very patient as he let me gently remove them from the fur.

The rims around his eye are kind of pink, which makes me think of pink eye. Is there anything in chinchilla poop that could have gotten in his eye and infected it? I have a feeling that's not the case, but I don't know.

As upset as I am and worried as I am, I've never felt so close and attached to my chinchilla.

EDIT: He's making happy chirps now! Oh gosh, I've never been so happy to hear those!
Is he feeling better yet? I don't have much experience with chinchilla eyes but if it were a human I would suggest keeping it lubricated with something like natural tears in case there is a scratch. It would also help rinse out any irritants. Biggest worry would be if he was unable to close his eye. For eye injuries at the hospital not being able to close your eye would mean lubrication every 15-30 mins to keep the eye from drying out and seeing the eye specialist ASAP. I am glad he was cooperating with you. Hopefully you've discovered the problem and he is on the mend.
He may have had a corneal abrasion or puncture. Even if his eye looks better, you should still get him to a vet ASAP. It could be infected, so don't wait.
He was sleeping when I woke up this morning and his eyes were both closed. It looked better than yesterday. He was very peppy all night before I went to sleep (lots of chirps) and was eager to wake up and play with me this morning, but I made him go back to sleep.

I'll call a vet today and arrange an appointment regardless! Thank you.
He is okay! They sent me home with some antibiotic eye drops, mostly at my sort of nervous/worried behavior, telling me to use it if it looks like anything happens, but that otherwise his eyes look normal. They also wanted me to keep an eye on his back feet that were a bit red, so I feel especially assured that they checked him out. I think my chinsitter probably didn't do the best job cleaning up woodchips which probably irritated his feet (although he was also misbehaving while I cleaned his cage and walked on some of the bars). In any case, I have future concerns when it comes to what to do with him if I have to leave, but in the meantime he is okay and sleeping and doesn't even seem that mad at me.