
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
Jul 6, 2014
In a few weeks I will be getting a new chinchilla,so I just wanted to know beforehand any good bedding,I'm not sure if there is any pet shops in Singapore selling kiln dried pine shavings.I was thinking of getting carefresh but some people have said that their chinchilla had died or something so I just wanted know wether it really is safe or not.Is red cedar safe cause I've seen it in some pet stores.Some common brands I can find is 'ALEX ANIMAL','BACK-2-NATURE,'PETS DREAM','Hagen,living world','HEALTHY PET','KAYTEE'.The red cedar is kaytee brand.
Some chinchillas eat Carefresh. I have degu on it and they have no problem, but it's hard to say since I've never tried it with chins. Cedar is not safe for ANY animal. No animal should ever be on cedar. Kiln dried pine, aspen, Carefresh, or make your own bedding out of fleece.