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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
I have two quality cages one with and one without the side guards and use the carefresh bedding. Every morning it seems a good portion of it ends up on the floor and since it sticks to carpet it's a real hassle to clean up. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep the bedding in the cage or a better bedding that works with quality cages and provides an easier cleanup. Also, is it normal for chins to dig in their bedding. My chinchilla has a wooden house and always digs in it and throws all the bedding out of the cage.
Very normal - you might get some plexiglass to put on the outside of the cage, or those plastic pieces for under chairs with wheels to put around the cage, for easy clean-up!
I don't recommend plexiglass as it is just plastic, which can be a problem if consumed. I would recommend either switching to fleece liners or putting pine around the bottom of the cage. You can attach it with a bolt and wingnut like you would putting a shelf in the cage. You can also check with Bass Equiptment to see how much a custom metal pan would be. I know a couple of people have gotten them 5 inches high.
Plexiglass also restricts airflow, and can raise the temp inside the cage.

Some people also take 1/2" x 4 or 6 pine boards, and run them around the bottom edge of the cage. It does help to keep it in.

I do use the fleece liners--it is wonderful not to deal with the mess from the shavings. However, there will always be hay and poo, but it would be reduced if you had the boards (or metal) running around the cage.
My chinchilla has a wooden house and always digs in it and throws all the bedding out of the cage.
One of my girls did that ALL the time. It seemed she liked to sleep on the melamine bottom rather than the carefresh so I just never put any bedding under the spot for her hidey house. Now, however, mine are in a FN and I am using fleece liners. My chin still was doing the same digging at the fleece liner (but only the part directly under the hidey house). Have you thought about putting a chin chiller or something under the house or some other safe, solid surface?
I don't think the plexiglass is a good idea the others said, it reduces air flow and it may be possible for the chin to chew on it to.

It is totally normal for chins to dig in their bedding. It's just something they do. I like the idea of pine boards or metal around the bottom, and the computer chair mat is also a good idea. I know you can get pans to put under bird cages, maybe they make them big enough to put under chin cages. A dust buster is a handy item to have on hand or a shop vac. They make cleaining the floor a bit easier.

I've never tried the fleece liners, but some people swear by them.
I love my fleece liners!!! You could just try the chair gaurd liner under the cage if you want easy clean up.
I vote for a custom bass 5" pan, or using wood around the cage. That or liners are your best choices!
How exactly do you go about cleaning fleece liners? I know I have a really hard time getting hay out of the fleece hammock, is there a special trick to getting them clean before washing them. Do you wash them in the washing machine or by hand?
How exactly do you go about cleaning fleece liners? I know I have a really hard time getting hay out of the fleece hammock, is there a special trick to getting them clean before washing them. Do you wash them in the washing machine or by hand?

Ooh, I second that question, I've been wondering that too!
Very normal - you might get some plexiglass to put on the outside of the cage, or those plastic pieces for under chairs with wheels to put around the cage, for easy clean-up!

As mentioned before, plexiglass can be chewed and it isn't chin safe, restricts air flow, raises the temp in the lower part of the cage (that you plan to put it on) and is a pain in general. I don't recommend it at all, there's another discussion (Or was) on why it's bad to use plexiglass.

If you want to get some hardware cloth and wrap around the bottom, about 5" or so, it might stop the excess carefresh on the floor, or fleece liners. Hardware cloth has very small openings, if you don't want to buy a new pan.
Where to buy bulk bedding for chinchilla

Can anyone give me info. or websites on where to buy my bedding for my chinchilla (in bulk). Is is better to order somewhere online or just get it from local petsmart/pet supplies store?
I just started using the fleece and I notice that it definitely needs to be changed every 2nd or 3rd day or the urine smell is kinda strong, but just have backups.
To clean the hay off, I just scoop up the liner and shake it outside and then wash it with NO fabric softner.
How exactly do you go about cleaning fleece liners? I know I have a really hard time getting hay out of the fleece hammock, is there a special trick to getting them clean before washing them. Do you wash them in the washing machine or by hand?

It's really easy to clean a fleece liner. The poop doesn't stick, so just carefully ball it up to make sure the poop doesn't fall out on the way, take it outside and shake it. :] If the hay doesn't come off, it's easy to pick it off. Then just throw it in the wash with regular detergent. Easy as pie.
I have a QC mansion with the cage guards, and I'm wondering, are you only talking about the cage you don't have guards on? Or both? If it's both, and you're set on using loose litter, I'd maybe try seeing if Quality Cage would custom make you some taller guards. They're really helpful, and it's worth a try.

However, I just switched to fleece liners, like, 2 weeks ago, and I'm LOVING them. To get the poos and hay off, since it's been raining the 2 times I've changed them so far, I just used my shop vac to suck everything up. The wide head attachment made it easy, took all of 2 minutes. You wash the liners in the washing machine, just make sure they're rinsed well.
I have also just switched to the fleece liners. Prior, and even up til yesterday, I was vacuuming around the cages with the hose twice a day to keep poo up. I guess it's just part of being a chin owner.