Bedding to Fleece

  • Thread starter chinchas4life888
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Hey guys,
I have been using bedding but I want to switch to fleece. I have a few blankets so I think those will work great. But I was wondering, how do you attach the fleece to the cage so that it stays spread out on the whole bottom of the cage?
Most liners are either made with 2 layers of fleece on the outside with an absorbent centre, like a towel. I make mine with a layer of fleece on top and a layer of quilted cotton on top. Fleece will wick the pee but will need somewhere to go so that's why you need an absorbent layer.

They are heavier that way too and I haven't had a problem with them moving around too much. I have heard of some people putting grommets in the corners so they can attach them directly to the cage.
I don't personally use them, but I think along with attaching them to the cage, people will put things on them, like a litterbox, house, etc. which helps weigh it down so it doesn't shift too much.
Thanks! So I can just stick it in the washer and dryer?
Make sure to shake it off good outside first otherwise you will be paying my appliance repair husband to come fix your washer/dryer and he said he would charge extra for nasty gunky chinchilla poops clogging up the pump LOL

I have to say though I tried the fleece liners and went back to shavings. It was just a huge mess and I was cleaning cages everyother day with the fleece But I have a lot of chinchillas...
I went from bedding to fleece liners just a month ago. It's great. Easy to clean and looks great. Be sure to have something heavy on each corner of the liners...mine for some reason love tunneling around under it making a mess...a marble slab/ chinchiller makes a great holder too... And it'd be a good idea to invest in one of those hand-held vacuum cleaners just to vacuum up the poo without having to drag out the big vacuum. =D
Fleece liners are so easy to use and I think they're so much better than shavings. My pans seem to rust with shavings, whereas they don't with liners. I'm all about making my cages look funky, especially with bright colors.
My cage has a slide out mesh layer between the living space and the slide out pans, so I cut my fabric on one side a few inches long, left that edge of my liners not sewn (like a pillow case) then cut slits in the spare inches. Tying the strips together after I slide in the grate (sort of like no-sew hammocks and the like) keeps them in place fairly well.
The ones I have came with grommets in the corners, but to avoid the tunneling under, I just got some of those large, metal clips that you use in the office to keep thick stacks of papers/files together. I put them around the bars and grab the fleece in a few places. :thumbsup:
My cage has a slide out mesh layer between the living space and the slide out pans, so I cut my fabric on one side a few inches long, left that edge of my liners not sewn (like a pillow case) then cut slits in the spare inches. Tying the strips together after I slide in the grate (sort of like no-sew hammocks and the like) keeps them in place fairly well.

That is EXACTLY what I wanted to do! But in one of my cages the chinchilla will be in contact with the fleece. Will he try to rip it open if I do just do a little corner like that?
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