Bedding for guinea pigs......

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Poppy the mosaic squibbit
Jan 29, 2009
Farm country, Northern Illinois
Is it okay to use KD pine or aspen for bedding in a guinea pig cage? Or is it dangerous for them because they are almost constantly on the bedding with their noses right down into it?
I always used a nice layer of Aspen bedding never pine of any kind. You can also use care fresh bedding.
I have both kd pine shavings and aspen. Originally I got two piggies and I almost immediately found out one was sick. I took the sick one to the vet and x-rays showed a blockage in her stomach. The pig came to me on a very poor diet of seed type rat food as they had run out of guinea pig pellets. The vet said the lack of fiber could have caused this blockage but this sick pig had been kept on Carefresh and now I'm very afraid the blockage may have been caused by eating the Carefresh. I have no proof and it may be a totally unfounded fear but I don't want to lose another guinea pig. Really, the blockage could have been caused by anything as far as I know. Maybe it chewed something left to close to it's cage, I don't know. I have since gotten another guinea pig as I want to keep two together. Maybe, in time, I'll give Carefresh a try. I know many, many people use it for chins, piggies, etc with no problem. I broke my heart to lose one of my guinea pigs so quickly and I don't want to lose another.
I was just gonna ask if you could use fleece liners, Tara!

We used Carefresh when i worked at the pet store.
The chins area always up high, away from the bedding.

Mine aren't, nor is anybody else's chin who uses breeding runs. They are in the bedding all the time.
I used the KD pine when I had pigs as well. They lived a good long life, and i never had any respitory problems.

The chins are in breeding runs, and are constantly on the pine bedding as well.
I used both KD pine and fleece liners. I liked the liners because they were much cleaner, but the KD pine was always cheaper. If I could afford to put liners in all of my chin runs, I would, but it's just cheaper to use the pine instead and much less of a hassle!
I seem to remember using Pine at one time too, but I was allergic to it. So we switched to Aspen and I have had no problems. I personally dont use Carefresh because I have seen my Chinnys eating it and I panicked, I also dont like the smell it gets when it gets wet, even for a little while it smells well like wet newspaper. All though I use Yesterday News for the Ferrets and Cats.
I have the pine vs aspen debate with the guinea pig people at the rescue all the time. At the main house we use shredded aspen, but some of the foster homes use KD pine. I don't use pine litter for any of the animals, I use aspen for the chins and a recycled paper product for the rats. My position is that the phenols from pine have been proven to raise the liver enzymes and cause respiratory problems in small animals, so why take the risk? Ultimately the decision is up to each individual.
I use KD pine for my guineas, but only because my cages are all well ventilated with no closed off areas.
I use aspen for the chins though, because Rosey likes to eat the pine....
I mostly use KD pine and have used it the longest (past 20 years). I have also used carefresh, aspen, rice hulls, fleece and now a shredded paper type bedding. They all work pretty well and never had any issues with them, just depends on what works for you.
Mine aren't, nor is anybody else's chin who uses breeding runs. They are in the bedding all the time.

Good point. I forget about that since I don't have that kind of set up. I think what I'll do is continue to use kd pine for the chinnie girls as they are off the bedding. I have a QC Mansion with a drop in grate so they never get to the bedding at all.

For the piggies, I think I'll use Aspen. I'll be building a C&C cage when I pick up some coroplast and maybe I'll switch to fleece. It just seems harder to keep clean, though. Also, I ordered some new Edstrom Water Buddies as the piggies bedding is often wet around the water bottle. I bought some spare Edstrom's, too, as I think I won't be able to find them soon. Though there are some other valve water bottles that seem just as good.
KD Pine is suppose to be safe to use. I myself use aspen. Carefresh and fleece is also used by quite a few people. The only thing about the carefresh is that you have to make sure that you pig(s) don't eat it or it can cause a blockage. Some pigs have been known to eat it.

As for the bedding under the water bottle getting wet, some people on a guinea pig forum I'm on put a brick underneath for the water to drip and evaporate on. Plus those who use it say their pigs like using it step on while getting a drink, kinda like a game.

Also theres a great website with a user forum called that has tons of great owner info, list of great vets, plus a user forum with helpful people.
I do belong to guinealynx. I use edstrom bottles for my chinnie girls and have ordered a new Edstrom bottle for the piggies. I really like the Edstroms for keeping the cage dry. Thanks for the information.