Bed bugs! Serious problem!

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
Every morning I wake up and I am in pain and I finally realized I had bed bugs! They were all through out my sheets!!! UGH!






What ever will I do!?
What a horrible situation you are in! We don't have those kind of bed bugs in our home! lol. Only couch bugs.
Oh Mel! I was itching just clicking on the thread. I didn't want to and was sheilding my eyes in case you posted picks of the insect variety. Boy was I relieved to see your animal bed bugs. :D Those puppies are so cute. I will admit, you got me LOL!

I must have a different type of bed bug, mine seem to "meow" instead of "woof" but I have the same problem, they are all over my bed!!
Koa(the black and white one) is ALWAYS under the covers. He doesnt like the fan blowing on him and will try to hide. If not his whole body he will try at least his face. And they BOTH lay up against me to the point of PUSHING ME. I seriously wake up with pains in random parts of my body from pushing back. I have a king size bed. There is no reason for them to try to get on the only spot I feel comfortable. I even forced myself to sleep on the other side of the bed one night and they gravitated to that side. And Even rearranged my room so it would be completely different.. Still on the same side as me.

At least I never go cold at night. That is until I tell them to go to the floor. Then they will pull the covers off of me to bring to the floor with them.
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Oh no! My dogs will stick their little noses right up near my hear and snore or make other noises to wake me up. When I let Hoss sleep in my bed he had to sleep up on my pillow with me and he would make huffy and sniffy noises in the middle of the night. Joey will put his paws into my back and that gets annoying.

Your dogs I believe are more evil about it than mine...they steal your covers to take the floor? That's so wrong.
I had a dobie sized bed bug problem for awhile, but this huge bed bug took up the entire king size bed! So our big bed bug was rehomed to the couch, lol
I have a 70 pound bed bug. He needs to have a paw on me when sleeping. Usually the paw is on my face.
Its totally great when Koa pushing up under my pillow and I get woken up by an earthquake only under my head. Or when Lola is on the pillow next to my head and decides to jump on my eye because she heard something outside and the head of my bed is up against a window.

I love though when Koa comes up behind me and puts his head on my neck, until he starts snoring.