Bass pans?

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Whisker Kisses Addict
Nov 26, 2011
Virginia Beach
Besides just replacing the plastic bottom pan, why else would you recommend them? Are they worth the investment? How long do they last? My girls don't chew on the pan but it is rather stained and I am afraid the plastic will start to hold the smell. I have seen pictures of used bass pans though and they seem to also become stained or discolored. How heavy are they and are they noisy? Thanks for your imputs!
I have had my Bass pans for over five years. Yes they have a few spots, these are spots that were slightly discolored due to the reaction pee has with metal. Everything is clean and there is no smell. The Bass pans if wiped regularly with a vinegar solution do not hold any sort of odor. Yes, anything will look worn after a while but I can probably get several more years yet out of my pans.

The pans are noisy if you allow them to bang against the bottom wires. What I did to prevent this was I actually cut the Bass pan box to fit under each of the pans. The cardboard from the box kept the pan from banging against the metal wire of the cage. After I just clean them, before there is bedding or anything else in them.. they are again a little loud but once you put stuff in it's not loud anymore. Think of it like how things moving on a wood floor can echo into the rooms below. Put down a rug and tada much quieter.

I love my Bass pans. I could not imagine having the plastic pans as so much more mess would get all over the floor. The tall sides of the pans keep so much of the mess inside of the cage.
i think they may be worth the money, but i won't be spending any money on them.
neither of my chins chew on the plastic and if they happen to move the liner and pee on the pan
i clean it up, no smell.
once i have the money though i'll be tiling the cage using ceramic tiles.
I love my bass pans. They hold in the bedding far better than the plastic pans do and while they do stain from the urine, there isn't any texture residue or odor the way there was with plastic pans. I put fleece underneath the pans to minimize the noise and haven't had any issues there. My guys are all plastic (and PVC) gnawers, so I really didn't have much choice other than pan replacement.
The depth is the best part, it helps keep the shavings and debris in FAR better than those shallow plastic pans ever could!! And of course, they can't be chewed.
I have a wooden surroundthat keeps the bedding in so that's not an issue. I just hate to clean the cage, put fresh bedding down and it be smelly because of the plastic pans. Thanks for your opinions!
If you can afford them, I think its a good investment. They keep litter in a lot better than other pans. If you're going to use fleece, then it shouldn't give you any problems. If you're worried about any noise, put a layer of fleece under the pan and that should help.
I bought my FN a few weeks before getting my bass pans and waited for their arrival to use the cage at all. (Bad idea, the cage took up my boyfriend's entire car and was stored there!) I knew that the plastic pans weren't going to work out and I needed two separate cages so the cutout pan was just more surface area for chewing and seeing each other. They are a great investment, as the mess only comes from them kicking poop off their ledges and houses, which is further reduced by trim along the ledges. I remember the first morning after putting the pans in, I didn't even have to sweep! I was so excited! Mine don't make any noise, but the pans fit very snugly in the FN (maybe too snug? They're a pain to try to take out and clean.) Yes, they are a pretty penny (It was upsetting to see that bill :( ) but in my opinion they are worth it. Especially if you're going to be a chin owner for a looong time. I know that they won't need to be replaced any time soon (if ever!) And really, nothing I've gotten for these chinchillas HAS been inexpensive!