Bass Pans and Fleece Liners

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Hey guys, so I have 2 questions. First off, I have a cage that is 24x24, that came with plastic pans, but somewhere in my many moves over the last couple months, I've lost them, and I need to order a new one. I'm going to order from bassequiptment, but the pans that I have are meant to slide on tracks that are under the cages, but I'm not sure what size to even order....? 24x24 pans? What height should I order? 3"?? Also, why does everyone use fleece liners? I've seen it become a common use lately, and I'm just wondering why? Is it to eliminate the use of bedding? And for like my cage, would you use it on the bottom of the cage, or inside the pan(that is under the wire bottom of the cage)....Obviously I want to minimize the on floor time because of the wire bottom, but I would think the fleece liner would be gross after only a day or two....?? Thanks guys!
If you are using pans from Bass, you will need to measure the interior dimensions of your cage, to ensure they will fit on the inside.
I have pans from them (for my Ferret Nations) and I use fleece liners inside the pans, instead of bedding. I shake them out every night and sweep up the debris, and wipe down the pan underneath, and then replace the liners every other night. The cage stays (mostly) clean and there's no odors, and doing laundry once a week beats throwing out large bags of shavings all the time.

My main reason for switching to fleece was that I had a persistant shelf pee-er, and switching to fleece has cured her of that bad habit. She gets a BIG kick out of peeing on the fleece now, instead of the shelves. I think SHE thinks she is still doing something bad... ;)

So your cage has a wire bottom, as in they stand on the wire grid at the bottom and there is a pan underneath? I'm not sure how you would use fleece liners with something like that. Most people I've seen using them just have the drop in trays with no grids...
My pan doesn't fit INSIDE the slides under.
That's the cage I have....see how the black pan slides UNDER the cage on little tracks? Somewhere along the way, I lost the black pan, so I need to replace it with...well...something? Which is why I was thinking the fleece liners if it's not a huge hassle...That would eliminate the need to buy new pans, and eliminate the issue of them standing on the wire, but I'm afraid they would get really gross really fast...I do hate the bedding getting scattered every where, and you're right, throwing away a bag of bedding a week is throwing away money! I would think I could probably use the liners either way, on the grid or in the actual pan to eliminate bedding. I realize bedding doesn't get thrown at much with these cages as they dont have access to it, but it still somehow manages to get tossed out of the pan somehow! I don't know....!?
I have wire grids and use fleece liners on top of them. So far, our young chin pees in a litter pan with pine shavings. She was using litter before we got her. I have the feisty ferret cage and also need a metal pan that slides out so I can get rid of the grid and not have to use the plastic pan. The lady I spoke with at Bass said their trays have rolled sides and need support on the bottom. Wish I could find something that would work on rails.