Basement Living

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2012
We just moved Mips into the basement last night because it's starting to get warm here in the midwest, last summer (before we got Mips) there were a number of blackouts in our city because everyone was running their AC, so I don't really want to run into a situation where I get home from work and find an overheated house and chin. Our basement has a pretty elaborate anti-humidity setup, so it's very dry and always in the mid 60s, so he'll presumably be the most comfortable member of the family through the summer :)

For those of you who keep chins in the basement, can you tell me a little bit about your lighting set-up? For now I've got a small lamp on for him so he's not in the darkness when I'm not down there. Should I invest in some sort of grow lamp on a timer so he gets a wider spectrum of light? Direct light vs indirect light? Timed light cycles synced with sunrise and sunset? Am I overthinking this?

It's much quieter in the basement aside from the utilities occasionally gurgling and thumping, our house is near a good amount of truck traffic so he used to startle a lot when trucks go by--my thought was that he'll feel safer without big things roaring by all the time, but I read a thread where someone's chins were miserable without the noises they're used to. Would having some soft music on during the day be good for him and help him get used to the new noises?

Anything else I should keep in mind, aside from humidity and the possibility of pests (I've never seen anything down there aside from dead spiders, so I feel pretty good about that)

Thank you for any information you can give me :D
It sounds like you have humidity and temperature issues taken care of. Music is a good idea. If there is no natural light then a light set on a timer would be good. Natural light is best though.
Our finished basement is set up with full spectrum lighting. All of my 11 chins have been down there for almost 3 years and are doing great.
Thanks for your replies--our basement is unfinished so unfortunately I have to transport him upstairs for playtime, but I'll make sure to get some full spectrum bulbs and hook up a timer system! He seems a little cranky at me right now, and it seems that he spends more time awake and alert than usual--but he's probably being just being wary because of the new noises.

:) Now I just have to figure out what kind of music he likes!
It always takes them at least a few days to settle into a new place. =P Now if you finish your basement you can make a room thats just for chins!
Haha, that's one for the wishlist--a chew-proof room with hideyholes and ledges and ramps all over would be amazing :) It would save me a lot of stinkeye-ing when he goes for the wood trim if he had his own chinspace!
I'm not familiar with basements, but sounds like your set up will be good. I just put an AM/FM radio in the chin room. It seems to have worked with calming newer chins I've acquired. Hope Mips has a nice, cool summer!