Barking confusion....

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2011
I brought home my two new boys Silver and Dragon last week and they are settling in well, they both come up to the cage to beg for treats and Silver jumps all over me during playtime, he is really the laid back one of the pair. Both are really outgoing but however Silver seems to be set off into a barking spiral at the tiniest things, one of my hamsters rolled his ball into the chin room and near the cage and since that he has been hiding in his bed and barking for the last half an hour, I tried to soothe him with treats and talking but he wont come out of his bed or take anything from me so I decided to close the door and leave them both in the quiet.

Does anyone else find that their chins are not the biggest hamster fans? I have five hams and they have been living in the chin room but if it bothers my boys i might have to move the hams into another room since the chin room is the coolest in the house.

A bit worried, the last thing I want to do is stress my new boys out so I´m hoping there has not been too much stress on them.

As I finish typing this the barking has stopped......hopefully that means Silver has settled down and can start to relax again.
there's going to be lots of new sights and sounds in your home for the boys to get used to, and they may bark at just about anything for the first bit. sometimes chins just bark for no reason, i think just to hear themselves bark! lol.

i don't know what the negative health effects of housing hamsters and chins in the same room would be, if any, to either species. hopefully others with that experience can chime in soon.
He ended up calming down completley and this morning was back to his old self, coming up for a chin scratch. I ended up moving the ham hams out of the room but will try to put the one of their cages back in at the other end of the room, I´m thinking it might have just eben the noise of the ball rolling that had him so worried.

I´m a new chin mum so I think I need to stop feeling like I have failed them every time they bark or don´t like something. Phew, learning so quickly!
They will get used to new sounds, but playing a radio in the room may make new things like that a little less stressful.