Bandit's new behavior...

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"Ellie Mae"
Aug 27, 2010
Brandenburg, KY
Smokey and Bandit now live seperate but do spend some time together often.
Inca also gets some time with Bandit. Bandit has started (in the last few days) doing nothing but try to hump his older pals. He is crazy about it and wont stop!
I move him away with my hand and he goes right back. The older boys just move or ignore him, but I feel bad for them so I ended their visting time. Once he is all alone in his cage, I'm his new best buddy! He will jump on my arms and shoulder and just want attention and be so sweet and calm. If I put him in the cage, he's back on me in a second and will not willingly jump from me back to the cage. He only acts this way after one of the other boys have been with him. Any other time he just tolerates me! He doesnt try to hump me ever. Is this just his age or what? He is about 3 months old.