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Mar 16, 2011
Harrisburg PA
Im doubting it, but is bambo safe for them? Woke up and found a large roll of this Bambo Floor Protector in my living room. Its doesnt list any more details then that, and its unopened.

However my first thought was useing it as something to cover the walls, so i can let them out again. (since the chew massive chucks off the wall and try to eat them) But only if their safe ofcourse.
Looks like solid bamboo isn't safe because of potential splintering...See this thread. Since it's a protector, I would be wary of the coating, as it may be plastic or toxic. You could try Googling the brand or the serial number on the box though. That may help you to find the actual components.
from what i've read, bamboo splinters easily and could pose a sliver issue for chins.

if it is a floor protector type product, i would think it was treated with some sort of varnish or clear coat and would not be safe to use.
When the chins are out you probably should watch what they are doing to make sure they don't chew on anything that they shouldn't be chewing on. I don't know if the bamboo stuff would be safe or not...but I definitely wouldn't give it to them for chew.

You just woke up and the roll appeared? LOL That just sounded funny to me...