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Hi guys...
I've been away for a couple months now. I'm sorry to have disappeared. I kind of feel like once I fall "out" of something (a group of friends, a forum, a class), I am really bad about going back. I feel weird. But in this case, I missed all of you, my chin friends, far too much to let that get in the way.

As some of you know, we've been having a rough couple of years with the chins since the move here to ND. This interlude I took away from the chin world was mainly due to the fact that I was losing my second chin, Pearl. Last fall, we lost Dante (my first chin), and that was rough. We'd had chin deaths before. All of them are sad and upsetting... but there's just something even worse about losing the ones that are really really extra special. And Pearl and Dante had been with us so long that they felt like true members of my family.

Pearl's was an ongoing battle of weight loss, stopping eating, etc. I hand fed her for the last six weeks or so in addition to the hay and oats that she would eat on her own. It was really rough. The last week, I felt like she was finally stabilizing again and even gaining a little bit, but then that Friday, I went in and she was curled up in her corner under her wheel and she was gone.

Anyway, I don't want to be a bummer. There's just no one else I can share with the details of our loss, because everyone else seems to care only until they figure out a chinchilla is not a type of dog. Heh.

On the bright side, the other three girls still here are doing well. Iris and Mocha are a delight to me because they live together peacefully and are just so much fun. Squeak is a dear and is my new lap chin. She's the one I am using to educate my little man, Michael, on how to handle pets and chins. He's getting big now and is a rough player, so he (of course) is always carefully held when she's near and I 'help' him pet her, but he loves the sensation. Whenever his little hand touches her fur, he gets a big smile! See, I'm doing my part. In a few years, I'll have a great chin partner to help me out, since Dan is getting deeper and deeper into his medical school stuff and starts his rotations in the hospital next month. Eek!

Anyway. Sorry for this small novel. I am looking forward to getting back in the chin world. I'm sorry for any hurt feelings I caused when I "disappeared." I just hope you guys will let me slowly work back into this, I truly missed you, and I wish you all didn't live so far away! I hate being a chinnie island in ND.

*big hugs*

Aw Alecia, I don't think there's hurt feelings that you haven't been on, unless there's something I don't know about. But no hurt feelings from me for sure!

I'm sorry you lost your favorite chin, that has got to be hard.

I'm sure everyone would love to see pics of Michael! :))
Thanks Alli :) I will hunt up some good ones.

Hi, Susan! I didn't know you frequented CNH. I'm glad to see you here. :)

As to where I've been... just working, really. I am on Facebook sort of (my MIL is on there too now, so it's pretty edited what I say and post now). Life's been very busy here. Aside from the chin thing, I've had to dual manage my store and the other store in town for a bit here as the other manager left and the new one was being trained in. My MIL and youngest BIL (12) moved here in January, and they live 2 doors down from us. It's been... interesting.

I'm starting to get over it though, but these past few months of them being here have been rough. Life was harder for me, not easier, and I missed my own family and home a lot!

Anyway! Enough bummer. I'm feeling better, the weather is getting nicer, and I missed all of you!
ooohhh I think pretty much anyone can understand how it may get harder with a MIL moving close to home..
Yeah... and prior to her moving here (and her visit in July to see Michael), we hadn't seen (or really heard from her) in three years. Since we got married, basically!

It's been... well. It's been!
So sorry to hear about your losses, I could not even imagine.

I am glad to see you back around on the forum. We have all missed you and missed hearing about your little guy. Take care, hun.
My inbox is full there for some reason, so I guess I'm not getting any PMs. I'll have to clear it out. I posted a note with some similac coupons and got about a million PMs about it. haha.

It's good to be back. :) I missed reading about chins!