back at the vet

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Oct 10, 2011
Hello forum,

My apologies for posting here but I currently have a thread in health & hygiene (I should have started the thread in here instead).

Right now, Blackie is back at the vet. He had his teeth trimmed on Monday because they were too long. If you read the thread above, you will see all the info.

My wife brought Blackie back to the vet this morning because we were very concerned about him being lethargic, not pooping and sneezing.

The vet is giving him antibiotics today and we're going to pick him up tonight.

I don't have the name of the antibiotic, but I will have it later. I'll also find out if he pooped today once we pick him up. If he has not, I want to do everything I can to help his system process the food.

I've read multiple articles on the forum and I'm not sure which way to go regarding the digestive tract.

Thank you all for your assistance.

I am going to guess that he had a bad reaction to the anaesthesia, filed chins can be pissed for a couple of days after, but they are not lethargic, just angry. I am assuming you have been hand feeding, filed chins almost 100% of the time need to be fed after for up to 7-10 days after. Either way, the chin needs motility drugs ASAP, stasis can happen in as little as 24 hours and the chin needs food and motility drugs to get things moving again. Metecam should also be given for pain. I am also going to assume this chin had a physical exam prior to the work to check for heart murmurs and it does not have one? I will not lie to you, this can go very bad very fast with your potential for stasis and the URI that has crept up. URI is the number one reason that chins die after filings, the chin could have aspirated which now that I think about it more that would explain the lethargy and the URI. Hope for the best, expect the worst and keep us posted as to his progress.
Hi ticklechin.

The vet prescribed ciprofloxicillin for Blackie. 1ml 3x a day. Are you familiar with this? He had all 3 doses yesterday.
Sadly, he could not pull through and passed in our arms last night.
We brought him to the vet because of the sneezing, not going to the bathroom and the fact that he was very lethargic. I knew from what I read on here that he had an infection before we took him in but it was obviously too late. If I would have known more, I would have asked for an antibiotic the day he had the procedure done (Monday), in addition to the motility drugs. I don't know why he wasn't prescribed this. I feel a sense of guilt because I should have known in advance to ask for it.

Thank you for all of your support. We sincerely appreciate all of it.
Here is a photo of Blackie from last Halloween...

I am so sorry this happened, he will be missed. RIP little one.

Just a fyi for others, Cipro was fine.
I am so sorry you lost Blackie :( I wish our furballs would let us know sooner when something was wrong with them. May he r.i.p.
My heart goes out to you! I'm soo sorry to hear of your loss of Blackie.
Dont beat yourself up, you took Blackie to the vet and did what you could. Sometimes things happen regardless of all's beyond our control.:angel8:
I am so sorry. I know exactly how you feel, my black velvet passed away last night after he developed stasis. Its so frustrating.

Sleep well Blackie.