You can do a word scramble
a favorite at my baby shower was: "draw the baby" for this one you use Paper plates and a crayon/pencil/pen and you place the plate on top of your head and without looking you have to draw a baby! The expecting mother can choose the "best baby"/winner!
Also the "never say Baby!" game... use a safety pin or necklace and pin or hang something baby related on it(we used those miniture pacifiers you can buy at most dollar /party stores) and give every guest one as they come in and tell them they cannot say the word BABY or someone(who ever catches them saying it) gets to take their pin/necklace away(or one of them if they have multiples)- the person with the most at the end of the game wins!
The baby food game: (Materials - infant food, pads of paper and pens). Take the labels off of the baby food jars and have the women at the baby shower guess the food (carrots, peas, sweet potato). Most fun to play up to 10 jars of different kinds of foods. If there is a tie, blindfold the women and have them taste one of the jars and guess the right flavor to win their prize.
If the mother to be is comfortable enough you can play- "guess mom's tummy size" (Materials- String or yarn and scissors) Have each woman pull the yarn to the size they believe would fit perfectly around the Mother-To-Be's center of her pregnant tummy. After everyone cuts their string, compare the results to the Mommy-To-Be's actual tummy. Give a prize to the woman who is the most close! This is a baby shower favorite.
I have a ton more also if your interested!! I've been to way to many showers int he last year!! LOL