Baby Izzy has a sore toe

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2011
Renton, Wa
I am in NYC taking care of my father's estate and I got a phone call from my daughter today telling me that 8 week old Izzy has a sore toe. I will try to upload a photo of it. I am unable to contact my backup for suggestions as to what she can do. [IMG.][/IMG]
I cant tell from the picture other than one toe looks puffed up. Is it swollen up real tight or just puffy? Any cuts. Signs of pus or bleeding?
If its a cut, treat it as any other - clean it out and you can use Neosporin or something like it. Don't gob it over or anything, but a little will be fine. If its bad, take her to the vet.
I would not use neosporin, I would use blue kote since it dries and can't be licked off easily-but if its swollen, the bone is exposed, pus is visible etc the chin should see a vet.
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I believe I have some blukote or something very similar, out at the barn. I will see if someone at home can drive out and get it. It is so frustrating to be so far from home and not be able to do anything.
That toe looks pretty swollen ... It's hard to tell however if any bone is exposed, but looks almost yellow on the end (again could just be the lighting in the pic)
But have chin cleaned up and dried then apply some blue kote (I don't use neosporin for the reasons mentioned above) chin should likely see a vet my guess is some antibiotics for infection/prevent infection and a bit of medicam to help any pain and bring some of that swelling down
My son and his girlfriend went out to the barn and got the blue kote and it has been applied. I will check tomorrow to see how things are going. Thankyou for the advice.
I will be so glad to get home again and be with my family and animals. We have done nothing but clean out my dad's apartment. Tomorrow I plan on taking a bit of time to sight see.