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RAF Chins
Feb 1, 2009
Cambria County, PA
This girl was born to a female I've had in breeding just over a year. I was beginning to consider getting rid of her and finally noticed her weight changing. Decided she HAD to be pregnant after 200g of weight gain and figured she'd a few weeks to go. She gave birth to just a single, 66g kit on the 19th. This little stunner will be interesting to watch grow. She's a mutation, can you guess which one? LOL! I love 'em like this and can't wait to show her in the spring. I hope she grows up as expected and maintains her sharpness.


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Congratulations Ange!!! That doesn't even look like the same chinchilla in the two photos - is it different lighting? My guess is a white but I can't see the tail tip!
Thanks, yeah it's been fairly busy here as well. We usually don't hit 21 until much later in the year...August at the very least. But this is my last girl that I KNOW was due for a bit so who knows. Could be my last kit of the year (not likely).
Good guess Jaunita ;) and that's probably exactly why she looks so different at different angles...it's not a "true" gray...it's a mosaic gray apt to fade. The rest of the tail is excluded purposefully ;) as guessed, it's solid white from where the photo cuts off to the tip!
Here's a better picture of that side of her (the one that looks much lighter).

As well as a picture of B20 born about a week ago. A female, single (of course) and born pretty large as well. Again, mother'd gained nearly 200g and only gave a single. This kit has looked quite "oddball" since birth. Clearly (genetically) a black velvet. She looked almost reddish at birth and appears to have the grayest belly I've seen in years. I'll be curious to see how this one matures as well. I generally get good things from this pair even if they DO start out funky looking.


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That BV's fur looks so super soft and shiny. Looks roundy in a good way along the top. Nice and full. (Sorry didn't know how else to describe what I was getting at) LOL
It IS too, glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. It's hard to explain and it's somewhat noticeable in pics...but she has (aside from coloring) an odd coat overall. It's like, super soft/silky in appearance and texture. I'm really excited to see what she turns into. This year I'll be holding most of my female kits over as I have a LOT of older gals needing to retire. This particular female won't be replacing her mother this year as her mother is young yet ;) Just the same, I'll be keeping her as I DO have a completely empty run to utilize. Aside from her I have exactly 3 female kits to hold over so far this year. Two mosaics (at least ONE will be replacing her mother) and a gray (won't be replacing her mom quite yet)...make that 4, I also have another black velvet. Mother was very nice when shown, still is, but cannot seem to get the quality out of her kits. We'll see how the current one turns out (not pictured) and go from there I guess.