Average weight of new kits.

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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2013
I know that there's no way it'll be even close to an exact science. However, my female standard gray I'm 99% confident is pregnant. Since 4/4 her weight has gone from 556g to 706g and her nipples are lengthening considerably. I was wondering if there was a rought estimate on how many kits she may be carrying based on the weight gain. Has 150g seems way too much to be just 1 kit.
Chin mothers can gain as much as 200 to 250 grams for one kit. It's really not possible to tell you how many babies she will have based on how much weight she has gained.

I agree with this, as well as, you may not even notice much of a weight gain with a different mother with just one kit. Since I just experienced this, and usually know when my females are pregnant, I was supprised just 2 weeks ago to find a baby in a cage that I didn't know the female was pregnant let alone due.

Could be 1 or it could be 3, who knows till they are born.
One of my chins gained 150-200g and had two kits that were around 45g each. Its just so hard to tell. I had another who didn't appear to have gained much and I didn't think she was pregnant and hadn't weighed her in a couple months. Next thing you know, I had two surprise kits.
Just to update, the kits were born this morning, yes kits, two of them. During pregnancy she gained 230g, I didn't get a weight for this last week though so could've been a bit higher. Both kits are healthy, eyes open and running around the cage already at 50g a piece.
Some of that weight could have been the mom growing since 556 gms was awfully small to begin with. I am glad that she littered without difficulty and hopefully will be fine.