Average weight for an adult chin?

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Cuddling Extraordinaire
Oct 20, 2009
I wanted to know because I'm concerned by Rocco's current weight. I weighed him today and he weighed 467 grams. He and Furby share a dish and it's never empty when it's time to change the food.
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There is no true "average" weight. Much like with people, genetics play a large role in a chin's adult weight/size. 467 gm may be the weight he's supposed to be. If you don't feel his ribs and if he's healthy and active, eating, pooping, etc., then he's probably just the weight he's supposed to be.
Breeding chins back in the 50s were approximately that weight. It hasn't been until these later 20 years or so that weight has increased both with nutrition and selective breeding. 450 to 550 was not an uncommon weight to be breeding - 1000+ grams was.

Sometimes it helps to have 2 food dishes and 2 water bottles. Sometimes a chin can become food and water agressive. He may be fine, but that is pretty small. I might try supplementing him with critical care and see what happens, can't hurt.
I would try using two bowls and see if anything changes. I had a pair together for a long time and thought both were eating well even though they would spat as soon as I fed them... After separating them, the less dominant one gained almost 100 g.
This might not be normal, but it can happen.
Did he weigh more before? I just noticed you said "current" weight. Did he have a higher past weight? If so, then yes, he may be getting crowded from the food dish. You also didn't mention his age.