Attaching hardware cloth?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I purchased hardware cloth for my extra cage that has one inch openings for when Mira's two boys are weaned. I was wondering how to attach it? I did it years ago with zip ties when I had rats that like to escape.
Craft wire is a great idea... why didn't I think of that?! I used zip ties. If you do them tight they can't really get to them to chew on them. If you see them chewing at them you can always switch to something else. The zip ties made it easy to remove later. However craft wire would make a much more permanent solution if you wanted a baby safe cage all of the time. My girls did not need the hardware cloth by 10 or 11 weeks when the smallest hit 350 grams. How long are the wires? You might try one of the boys in it (the smaller of the two) before altering the cage. If they are 1 by 1 cage bars I really don't think a weaned kit could escape them as that still makes quite a small hole. I have a Ferret Nation which has bars slightly larger than an inch and they are quite long.
i have watched many a video of weaned kits and small chins escaping from 1x1 inch bar spacing. you definitely want the hardware cloth.

home depot carries stainless steel wire on a small roll and it is cheap, just a few bucks at most (i recall my roll for toy making being 1.99 or something like that).

wrap the hardware cloth inside the cage, not outside. this will prevent chins from getting stuck between the hardware cloth and the cage bars.
Thank you for the information. The horizontal bars are almost 23 inches long, with no vertical bars except the corners of the cage. It's a ferret cage that Mira came with. My dad added wooden shelves before we rehomed Moshi, so it's chin safe besides the openings. I'll pick up some wire as well!
2 of my normal medium sized adult boys could and did escape from 1-1/2 by 1-1/2 inch opening. Well one escaped and one got stuck behind the front arms. I had to gently push his ribs together to back him out. I would get 1/2 inch wire.
I purchased the 1/2 by 1/2 inch wire :) I don't trust the kits, especially not the boys. They are bad :p