Are these items suitable?

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Oct 9, 2013

I'm going to be a new chin-parent. I just have a few questions. I'll be picking my chinchilla up when my cage is delivered on the 23rd. Is a cage that is 24" long, 18" wide and 35" tall big enough?

Is this house suitable for him?

And this hammock?

I have a really stupid question but I did want a chinchilla that was a light gray colour, when speaking to breeders they said this is called a beige. However, my beige chin is slightly light gray but looks a little beigey too. So I'm just wondering what the light grays are called?

This is a photo of my chinchilla, any name ideas? We're thinking Toby but open to other ideas :)


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I wouldn't use either of those products from eBay. The house is cute, but I don't know what wood it's made out of and the straps of the hammock can be chewed (plus fleece is the only acceptable fabric in a chinchilla cage).
The light grays can be light standards, but you may also be talking about about a sapphire. Those have always looked like a light blue-gray to me.
I would not buy either of those products. The hammock is made of materials that are not chin safe. You want to find something that is made only of fleece. As for the house, it's quite small and without knowing if it is a chin-safe wood or not I wouldn't risk it. I would check out some of the vendors on this forum to see what they sell and that way you can get a better idea of what to look for in the UK
Congratulations on your new chinchilla :) he looks gorgeous! I love beiges (I also have a beige-Pinky and a standard grey-Brain). There are some really good UK online shops for chins things Fuzzbutts cage comforts does chin save hammocks etc as they are all made out of fleece, I brought mine a luxury snooze cube and they love it this is the web address Also for chin save treats/chews/toys/hay chins 2 shop website is really good Also be careful of pets at home etc they advitise alot of chin products which arent good for them such as treats like the yogurt drops with a pic of a chin on them. Enjoy shopping for your chin! It's addictive! :)
Thank you all very much for the replies and the advice, most appreciated :)

I see you guys as the experts!

Silly question but this forum confuses me. How to I view what people are selling in the UK??
