Hendryx Chinchillas
I know I have seen on here where various forum members have stated that sulfa antibioics have been used on kits.
Has anyone actually had experience where Bactrim has been used safely and still have the kit into adulthood without any issues? Slowed growth, etc???
As some of you know, I had a litter of triplets born where the mom did not produce enough milk so I am handfeeding all of them. One is a tripod where her right front paw was either injured during birth or shortly thereafter. She is missing the paw from the wrist joint down. Her arm is intact.
The kits are now just over 5 weeks old and in general they are doing great but that wound is now a little iffy and my vet wants to put her on Bactrim for 7 days to be safe. The wound is clean and has been regularly blukoted but the joing from the wrist seems to poke through the skin now and then. He wants to put her on the antibiotic to be safe and then when she is old enough do a surgery to shorten the bone a bit and sew the remaining flap of skin properly over the stump. I also have a 10 day old kit where a toe has been injured, either by mom or a sibling??? He said to go ahead and treat that also with the Bactrim.
Any input from experienced forum members?
Has anyone actually had experience where Bactrim has been used safely and still have the kit into adulthood without any issues? Slowed growth, etc???
As some of you know, I had a litter of triplets born where the mom did not produce enough milk so I am handfeeding all of them. One is a tripod where her right front paw was either injured during birth or shortly thereafter. She is missing the paw from the wrist joint down. Her arm is intact.
The kits are now just over 5 weeks old and in general they are doing great but that wound is now a little iffy and my vet wants to put her on Bactrim for 7 days to be safe. The wound is clean and has been regularly blukoted but the joing from the wrist seems to poke through the skin now and then. He wants to put her on the antibiotic to be safe and then when she is old enough do a surgery to shorten the bone a bit and sew the remaining flap of skin properly over the stump. I also have a 10 day old kit where a toe has been injured, either by mom or a sibling??? He said to go ahead and treat that also with the Bactrim.
Any input from experienced forum members?