Apple wood?

  • Thread starter RNmama2girls1chin
  • Start date
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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HI all! I have a relative that has an apple orchard and he is very very very organic in caring for it, so I was thinking about asking him to save me his prunings for Angel. does anyone know what i have to do to prepare the apple wood for the chin? I would really appreciate any replies, and i have a feeling i might get more than I can use, so if i do and its suitable, i would be more than willing to share with all of your lovelies :) Thanks in advance for any replies, and happy easter to you all and your "dust bunnies"
Hey, I did some a while ago. I think it is along the lines of:

1. Scrub them in water
2. Boil them
3. Bake them

Thats what I did and my chinnies are still fine!