awesome! i cant wait to get COD 5! it looks amazing! but my xbox 360's hard drive burned up so i have to wait and get a new one.. :tantrum:
rockband is fun too! :thumbsup:
I have Call Duty 5 also but i dont play it as much as I do call duty 4. Idk I still think COD 4 is better idk why.But if any of you cod fans wanna add me my name on there is Demented84 actually I think I may head on over n play some COD 4 real fast
Guitar Hero is my favorite "video game". Online, I also play Furcadia which is an MMORPG (longest one going too, at 12 straight years). It's fun, and you can also just sit around and do nothing but chat on days you feel lazy lol.
My bf and I just set up our ps3 to be able to play online...ummm I have soul calibor (spelling?!?!?!?!?!!?)...and I just might kick everyones butt in it:tease:
I'm KittenKiller83 on COD 4 & 5 (Don't ask, no I don't kill kittens...) But I actually like the 5 better, I think it's because I started playing that first, before 4.
HAHA KayKay I played with you the other day!!! I remember your name on there cuz I busted up laughin n my hubby was like whats funny I go that persons name is kittenkiller!! Thats crazy I've played with you b4.
haha i love ddr max games! i wish my ps2 still worked so i could play!
i have a wii too but i dont have that many games, so it kinda just sits there. lol
I have PS3, (darn thing can't play Discs now.... ) I play, Little Big Planet, COD4, Guitar hero3, Lego Starwars/ indiana jones, Tomb raider... MY Handle on PS3 is SheepGirl, if you wanna add me.