Anyone have a Martin's cage with the slide-out pan?

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Isabella Whateva

Well-known member
May 18, 2009
I'm thinking about buying the Chinchilla Skyscraper with a slide-out pan. I was just wondering, is there a little floor above the slide-out pan (where waste falls down into the shavings below)? Or can the chins be in the shavings?

Sorry if this is confusing, I'm not really all too sure of how to phrase my question. I can give picture examples of the two options if it would help.
I have had Martin's cages with slide-out trays. There is a wire mesh floor above the tray, so the chin does not have access to the shavings. The slide-out is much easier to clean than the drop in, but the wire can be tough on little chinnie feet.
Great, that's exactly what we were looking for. We have a slide out tray cage now (just a lame petstore brand) and we love how easy it is to clean. Of course we put lots of solid surfaces for our chin to rest her feet on. She's rarely on the bottom level.
i have a martins with a slide out pan. its great. just a pain to put together
My fiance is extremely handy (he was going to build a cage, but we don't have the time) so hopefully he'll be able to figure it out.

Do you guys think the Skyscraper model is a good size for just one chin? Too big? Too small?
I have a Ferrera I think, it has a sliding pan aswell.
Just bought it few days ago and thought i'd only use the wire mesh when i'm cleaning the pan while the chin stays in.