Anyone else tried this in their cage?

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Mar 16, 2010
I just got a new cage about 2 months ago, really enjoying it. My old was was well, old and from my first chin. It had a wire bottom which i hated. Anyway, this new one does not have a wire bottom it just has the bottom tray thing o_O
Anyway when I went to go get some new bedding I came across this product. I am REALLY enjoying it. I am a huge lavender freak and I love the smell. My chin who is in this cage now uses a litter box to pee in, but it is very absorbent and smells great. It has some bigger peices of rose in it, I usually take the big ones out. My chin does not eat the bedding which surprises me. But he does enjoy when I give him rose hips.


dont mind the messy cage. I have not cleaned this week. he also likes to "rearrange" his furniture >_> (that is Cholo btw, my standard)


the bedding. the purple is the real lavender and you can see a little rose.


one of the bigger pieces. i wasn't sure if it was safe to give to him so i usually take it out.


Product bag
I wouldn't think being immersed in a strong scent all of the time would be good for any living creature. I know that is why I am now allergic to floral anything, floral overload! I remember reading that we are not supposed to burn scented candles and use scented products but I cannot remember the science behind it (if there was any)...possible respiratory issues maybe?
Try sleeping on a pile of that and see if you still like the smell :)

I would stick with unscented things. You can make sachets out of that bedding for use in your own drawers and closets , trash cans, or under your pillow. The chin can't say "take that out, I have had enough!"
Well you can't really smell it at all, and after I switched to it he hasn't had any problems with it so iuno *shrug*
Strong scents come from oils in the product (in this case, the paper that's treated with it) and those oils contain compounds that have been shown to cause breathing problems in small animals. The best example of this is Cedar bedding, which is documented as leading to respiratory infections in rats, mice, guinea pigs, hamsters, and gerbils, hence why it's not recommended for use with chinchillas. I wouldn't use scented Soft-sorbent for a chin; I couldn't use it in the house I'm currently in because at least 2 of the 4 of us have allergies/sensitivities to aromatic things (I can't even use fabric softener in the shared washing machine).

But, I use PetsPick brand pine shavings (from Walmart of all places!) for Crash's litter box and it's amazing. Best chips I've ever purchased; there are NO pine smells that would indicate the dangerous oils are left behind in the wood, it fluffs very well, and it absorbs amazingly. And the 500 cubic inch bag has lasted me since November. Granted, the bag claims it "gives your pet's home a fresh, evergreen scent" so I bought it with the intent to cook the rest of the oil out myself, but once I opened it I realized it didn't need extra prep.
Hmmm, well it is more expensive anyway. I love walmart and I will check out what you suggested. Thanks for letting me know. I used to use plain unscented bedding. I forgot what brand I guess you should always stick with what you are used to
The scented stuff might be okay as part of a cat bed in small amounts or something, but a lot of people just don't realize that 24/7 contact with stuff like that affects animals much more quickly than it does us. :) I generally don't trust chain stores for pet supplies period since their focus is mostly on making money, not doing what's right for the animal, but I needed shavings and had to go to Walmart to get them. The fact that it was only about $5. for the bag was a bonus when I realized that they're great for how I use them. :)
Yeah I totally agree with you. Whenever I buy things for any of my animals I use vendors or order online. I just ordered a chinspin too ^_^
i have used it before and mixed it with the unscented, it really isnt that strong. and i also love lavender! i did that when i had 1 chinchilla. i have 9, so a 6 dollar bag of TGB shavings is what i go for now! it lasts about 1 month cause i really only use it in litter boxes. i could neve afford the soft sorb stuff with all these critters.........rather spend the money on wood and treats!
I stick to fleece and aspen (rarely) I only use carefresh if the cage has a tray with a wire bottom over it. I wouldn't recommend that stuff to anybody.
Oh I tried that in my guinea pig cage..I mixed it with aspen. If you don't like the smell just go to the regular sorbent