anyone else own koi

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to many chin chips??
Sep 15, 2009
picayune, Ms
today i tried to get some photos of our koi in our koi pond but i wasnt to succesful lol. they are all about 13-14 inches long all fan tail except for the bright red and white one..he was pretty so we got him to lol





My parents had a pond when I was a tiny little kid...other than that, we don't have fish at all here. :)

They look so is such a gorgeous color. ;)

we had ALOT of koi at one point but the herrins ate all of them so if you didnt see it in the pics the pond is on guard with fishing wire ran across and all the way around lol plus we invested in bigger fish :)
I have koi in a small pond in our front yard. I have two one white and one calico. And rest are gold fish, white and orange or plain white. My gold fish are huge, they constantly eat all the alge we have in there. We had to put a coveringon our pond as well because the racoons were eating our fish. Its currenly made of fencing wire and domed over the top so our plants can grow.
I have 4 Koi, I don't have any recent pictures but here's our pond from 3 years ago.

They are much, much bigger now. We've got 3 butterfly Koi and one regular one. The one was actually born in our pond. A few years ago I was scooping out tiny baby goldfish and I put them in a tank in the house. They were the size of a tiny grain of rice. One of them just looked different to me so I kept watching him grow over the weeks. He ended up being a Koi. We kept him in a tank for about 8 months until he was big enough to release into the pond. He's notw about 14 inches long. He's the only baby Koi we've ever caught from our pond. All the others must get eaten by the bigger fish. We are in the process of make a bigger pond since we moved. I'll try getting up dated pictures :)
kinda, lol, I'll see if I can find pics. I put in a small garden pond years ago and put some small koi and gold fish in it. Granny used to come supervise my cleaning of her pond and I would pick at her that her koi were big enough to fillet LOL (no we would never eat Granny's fish but it sure was fun to hear her fuss!) We have since lost Granny but we still keep her garden pond clean and running.
practice LOL i took alot of bad ones to get like 3 good ones. LOL. I also use the quick flash setting by holding the picture button but not clicking it until im ready. if that makes since. Im bad at explaining things like that
yea your pond is really clear but we just got ours back up and running. Our pond pumps and lights were broken so its starting to clear up now.. I tried to quick flash thing and those were the best pics i got lol
I don't know what pump and filter I have my hubby did it. But I know that my pump and filter is way bigger than needed for my pond. it looks like a pool sand filter.I also have alge eatters I put them in the summer and then when it gets cold I fish them out and place them in a tank in the house so they will survive. They are bout 6-8 in big now. I also and a nut with cleanning the pond I am constantly in the pond vacuming it. and adding chimicals and what not in it. its eaiser to keep clean in the winter, summer is a pain in the butt
we had 5 koi in a small pond, but the herrons got them all. And they were huge koi. We witnessed the herron snatching the last of our koi, and the fish was so heavy that the herron couldn't fly off with him. He never did get away with the fish, but the koi did die. We haven't tried replacing them since we have so many herrons and raccoons in the area. But they are such beautiful fish. Great pics!
I have problems with birds and raccons too. For my racoon problem I would trap them in traps and take them away from my house and release them. For the birds I have decoy birds that are motion senor and when you get in the sensor it sprays water at them. I also have a net on the top of the pond. I take it off when company comes over