Any thoughts on this cage?

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Jan 26, 2012

i am looking into getting this cage for my 4 year old chin. Im not going to use any of the levels or tubes or anything already in it, cause i am building everything myself. does anybody own this cage? or have any thoughts or recommendations?

thanks a bunch!

Seeing that the pan is plastic I would opt out and look for something else. A lot of chins love to chew on the corners. There are a lot of chinchilla owners with Ferret Nation cages. They do have slid in pans that can be covered with fleece, but with this one there really isn't that option. With FN cages you can special order metal pans.
The plasic bottom is a problem, chins will chew anything and obviously plasic isn't good. Why don't you get a good big cage you know will last instead of smaller ones that aren't chin safe? Like mentioned, FN's are great. Same with Chinchilla Mansions, Marshall Mansions, Critter Nation, ect.
I would have to agree with everyone above about the plastic. Look under the thread for Ferret Nation a lot of people have those.
for the price you'd pay on this cage, to end up not using a good portion of what you pay for (shelves, tubes), why not go with a Ferret Nation, where all of the cage components can be used (with a lil fleece cover up), as you add to the FN with wood shelves and such.

edited to add - the bar sections look like they clip together with plastic on that cage, not good at all. once a clip is chewed apart, the cage won't stay together.
Thank you all so much. I am definitely going with the ferret nation! I can't wait to get my baby's house all put together. Thank you all for the tips. :)
I have that cage. I redid it and have had no issues with the bits of plastic. Here is an older pic of what I did:


It's a bit different now but I had the cage come with a chin. I wouldn't buy it new though. The doors are a pain for cleaning.
I had the larger version of that cage, the chin left the pan alone and I put pine shelves in it, but I HATED the small doors for cleaning, the bigger the doors the better, IMO.
Thank you guys all very much.. I have one with small doors now, but I hate it. I am very excited to be getting my new ferret nation. It should be arriving sometime next week!! yay!