any dog groomers here (need help finding clippers)

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Ok I have an almost 1 year old standard poodle who, up until now, I took in every 6 weeks to get cut down short (besides his topknot and tail pompom).

Well with everything that's been going on here, long story, I forgot to take him in. The last time he was in now was before Halloween. So now I want to just shave him down myself. I bought a cheap pair of clippers but their not cutting (even on the shortest setting which should shave him bald). These clippers used to work good when he was a puppy though.

Can I scissor him down and try the clippers again or should I stay far away from his coat with the scissors? And what are some good brands and links if possible to clippers and blades?
cool I'll look for those. His coat isn't even matted just long and thick. I wash and fluff dry before attempting to cut it and nothing happens.

I'm just really embarrassed to take him into the groomers with the way his coat is.
If the clippers have been sitting chances are they need lubed, and possibly sharpened.

If you are going to spend the money and do it yourself regualarly, get the Andi's AGC2. They come with a #10 blade, for the butt, face, and feet. For the face and feet go against the grain, butt go with and be carefully.

When doing the face go in a straight line from the edge of the ear to the edge of the eye.

If you get his body really short get a #7 or #5 blade. The bigger the number the shorter the blade. Also get some Andi's lube or Cool Lube to keep your blade clean and cool to prevent burns. I personally like me a good #40 for getting in the pads, ear area, and between the eyes, but that's just me. My mom doesn't use one because she's afraid that she'll cut the dog, I also scare her when I shave cats... and I've never cut an animal doing either.

If you are just wanting to "clean up" before the next groomer visit, don't bother, we understand, and believe me, despite what you think we've seen a LOT worse.

My mom likes the Whal KM-2. I don't like it because it feels too light and cheap to me. Despite how light clippers really are, if you haven't groomed in a long time your arm gets tired fast. She has carpol tunnel so she goes for a lighter clipper, I prefer some weight.


ETA: DO NOT wash a dog before clipping! Clip dirty, clean your blade regularly, wash, then touch up again to get strays. Clipping a recently bathed dog ( even if you think they are dry ) destroys you clippers, ruins your blades, and is much harder to cut. And again... if it's just that you're embarassed, they know that you were on a great schedule and crap happens. It's not until you only bring them in once a year because they can't crap or see that we make fun of you! Seriously though, I've done dogs that the entire pelt, which is what it is, comes off as one piece, I had one that I even shaved the entire tail off and turned it back inside out and you could clearly see the legs, tail, ears, etc.
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Suprised, disgusted... and everywhere in between.

Oh.. and if you dog is a shih a poo.. don't tell us it's a poodle... we know the difference! :lol:

Once I had this lady freak out on me, they brought their dog in for it's first hair cut at like 9 months old.. a cairn terrier, name was Whiskey, remember the dog like it was yesterday. Anyway the owner freaked out because I "cut the black tips off" ( aka puppy tipping )... UHM what did you think was going to happen? I was going to just cut the bottom of the fur and put the top back one? They were MAD! So I gave her a $20 g/c for next time.. stupid nutter used it to get the exact same cut! A cairn terrier cut, said oh... well my husband liked it. I was furious. And that's why I like animals over people a lot of days! I miss grooming. I should call Dr. Marshall and see if they need a groomer a day or two a week again...
Please don't use scissors!!!!! I work in a vet hosp and you wouldn't believe the number of pets that come in with wounds from owners using scissors!!
I personally use an Oster and #10 blade to trim our mini schnauzer.
well i keep his back and front area clean and i clean his ears with what his breeder suggested (a mix of water and white vinegar).

we have to go to a new groomer which is why i'm embarrassed. although i think he likes having the longer coat during winter so maybe i'll keep it a little bit longer and than take him in to get cut down.

i was always told it's best to cut the hair when they are clean and dry. I would like to eventually just groom him entirely by myself. after the grooming than the tip I could have paid for a good clipper set in 2 months. although I love taking him to the groomers because than it's like a mini vacation for him he gets pampered and beautified.

nope he's a purebred standard poodle I always wanted one (ofcourse I wanted a white female) and we ended up getting a cream male (who seems to be turning apricot). But I'm very happy with my boy :).
i was always told it's best to cut the hair when they are clean and dry.

This is the ONLY way I do it. Grooming dirty dogs gums up your equipment and dulls them much faster. Different strokes for different folks!

Since I no longer groom professionally I haven't bought stuff in awhile, but I used to love this one specific company. My mind is blanking on their name. They changed their name about 6 years ago. It's a huge company, so I'm sure someone here knows what I'm talking about.
Pre-washing is fine for some dogs yes. But if you live in the middle of a farming state chances are you need to pre-clip. It also cuts down on drying time, but mostly when you get dogs that only come in every 3-6-12-24 months and they uhm "didn't get brushed this week"... bathing first won't work.

This is the way I was taught to groom by a professional show groomer and handler who has taken many dogs to championships.

If a person can avoid pre-clipping, truly I envy them for a good clientele who keeps their dogs in very good condition. On certain dogs I could, which was less than 5% of my total clients.
if the coat is in good condition, even if the dog is getting a 7F strip, I would preclip with a #4. That way, you eliminate most of the coat, therefore reducing your drying and bathing time. However, leaving yourself a little coat to work with, you can get a better fluff dry on a poodle coat. It is difficult to get that plush look if you clip it close and then fluff. I also like the Andis clippers, but I prefer the old style square red ones. The balance point in the round ones is different and bothers my tiny hands.
You will need a decent pair of shears for trimming the cuffs and topknot. Can you contact your breeder for some proper equipment handling training? Expect to pay as much as you would for a regular grooming session with the breeder, but you need to know how to handle the equipment safely to avoid injury to both yourself and the dog. Where are you located? Maybe you can get in touch with a groomer that would be willing to teach you how to groom your dog- again expect to pay. If you are serious about learning, you have many years for the training to pay for itself.
well I got in touch with the breeder FINALLY today! He suggested the Andis clippers so I went ahead and got those. I bought a couple different brands of blades too (a #10 and a #7) from different companies. I also got the cooling spray stuff and I haven't gotten scissors yet but I do have some from the cheap set of clippers we bought a long time ago and those work ok until I can figure out what type of scissors I work best with. I don't want to buy a good pair of scissors and than have them not be right for me.

I did have a groomers who offered to let me sit and watch them and they'd go over the pointers but have yet to hear back. The breeder also grooms his standards and he said he'd teach me how to do it since we both groom our dogs in the same way.

I would just rather groom our boy myself and save myself the $60-$70 plus tip I spend every month to take him in. So I ordered the clippers express delivery so should have them monday or tuesday. So he'll get a good haircut just in time to get neutered on thursday :)D)! Bad mommy gives him a haircut AND gets him neutered all in the same week. He's a year old now though so the breeder said now is a good time to get it done.