Any Creative Ideas?

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I am going to be purchasing a 142 Ferret Nation cage for my boys shortly and I saw some really cool cages on here; I really liked the themed cages... which got me thinking.

I would really like to make my boy's cage dinosaur themed. Aside from using dinosaur print fleece, I was wondering if anyone had any brilliant ideas (dinosaur shaped hidy house...? etc.) I am quite handy with tools, sewing, etc, just a little short on the creativity!

The only limiting thing is that I will need room to put my 2 chin spin in there!

You could cut out 2D dinosaur shapes out of wood and then put ledges on them or steps. Could make a teradactyle(sp?) shaped hammock.
Could you make a dinosaur swing? Like those lava swings (which I've never gotten my chin to balance on!) but with a wider wooded bottom shaped like some type of dino. Or make a hay holder with a triceratops head cut out? Or a hidey house with the two vertical sides in the shape of a dinosaur and then you can make them extend over the top of the house and have the top become a daybed, with a dino pillow :) Good luck and show pics when you get everything made!! I want to see :) I need ideas too!
I love the ideas! I will be sure and post some pictures up as soon as I get some stuff made :). It won't be for a bit though because of school :(.

I was deffinately going to get some rock ledges for them from chinontherocks.

Since there will probably be three of them, I think I will attempt both the volcano and the t-rex skull (or maybe just the head) hidy house.

The step idea is great!

They currently have a few dino print hammoks in their old cage, but actually making the hammock dinosaur shaped would be so much cooler! Unfortunately I have a chin who manages to destroy hammocks very quickly... his record is about 5 days to get one to the point of being unusable. However, the new design I am trying out has held up great so far. So if the fastening system proves to be durable, a dino shaped hammock may be in order! :D