Another Weight Gain Question

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2011
Renton, Wa
I know, not another weight gain question!! Has anyone noticed at about how many weeks on average they start to show weight gain? I started weighing Hayley 10.5 weeks ago and so far she has gained 179 g. I had put them together approx middle of April. Silly me I made the mistake of not recording the date I put them together. I am just curious more than anything.
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I've kept track of a lot of pregnancy weights, and on average when I first notice a weight gain of at least 20 grams a week I can go out about 55 days and guesstimate that's when they will give birth. So far the earliest I've detected the weight gain is 28 days, and one girl didn't gain substantial weight until 78 days out. Then there are the ones that won't gain anything at all - surprise!

So, it's hard to tell, but I guess 55 days from noticeable weight gain.
In general, mine have started gaining weight at about 8 weeks in. Some start sooner and some later, and one that only gained a grand total of 50 grams, stretched out over about 6 or 7 weeks.