Andy's Boot Camp Address

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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been around as much--it's been really busy here for the last several weeks.

Andy headed off to boot camp. He seems to be adjusting well, although I know it has to be difficult for him. Some of you had requested his address, so I'm going to post it:

PVT Stauffer, Andrew
H Co. 2/46 INF 3rd PLT
3576 Wilson Rd Ft. Knox, KY 40121

I went to the dollar store and bought a bunch of cards, and the girls are coloring pictures to put in some and get them mailed out. I'm also going to get a care package out this week to him, also. He can have snacks and homemade goodies, but they have to open and share them right away; they can't be saved and brought back to the barracks. I think that's great though, that other guys will get to share in the goodies. Maybe it's someone who never gets anything from home.

If any of you care to drop him a line, I know he'd appreciate it. He is "offspring" here on cnh; just mention that you're from the chin forum so he knows who you are when strangers start writing him! LOL...

He said he's a drill private, does anyone know what that is?
Cookies--he loves cookies. Chocolate chip, peanut butter, name it. I'm sure just about anything would be welcome, though! :D
Check before you send a care package during boot camp. In the Marines if you get food during boot camp the D I gives your food to everyone but you! Sug, ask Andy first if that's happened to anyone. I will definitely be sending him a letter or two.
Does he read Sug? What types of books or magazines does he like?
Just a thought, but maybe people could PM you for the address rather then posting it in the forum for everyone who comes in to see. I'd just hate for some wierdo to get ahold of it and give Andy a hard time. Unfortunately there are some wierdos out there.....Anyway, just my opinion...

Just a thought, but maybe people could PM you for the address rather then posting it in the forum for everyone who comes in to see. I'd just hate for some wierdo to get ahold of it and give Andy a hard time. Unfortunately there are some wierdos out there.....Anyway, just my opinion...


Guests/Non-members do not have access to the Miscellaneous Forums section so I'm hoping there's not too many weirdo members here ;)
Sug - Did you get the pink underwear? Or should I?

Wouldn't that be a shocker...........<snicker>
Tunes - that'd be downright nasty, especially if his drill sgt. spotted them!!
I wish it were valentine's day...I'd love to find him pink boxers with lips all over them, or silly stuff like that! LOL...maybe I can find 4th of July things instead.

He likes to read--he's into Star Wars and LOTR, but I don't know how much time he'll have for reading. I think they keep those boys pretty busy, and pretty tired.

As far as the address thing, I would hope no one would be stupid enough to send questionable mail to a US military base. I don't think they'd take kindly to that.
I used to date a guy whose twin was an officer station in Iraq. Their mom thought it would be funny to mail him a full-sized blow up doll! I thought he would be really embarrassed, but it turned out the guys loved it. They would take turns hiding her in each others beds or in other strange places.
He's in Boot Camp, Mae. Training to be a soldier. He's going into satellite communications, however, so he's not likely to be one out fighting battles. I'm thankful for that.

I've received a few letters from him, and he seems to be doing well. He's pretty homesick, which is to be expected, and probably thinking things weren't as bad at home as he thought. LOL...He thought we were too he joins the Army. Go figure. :D
oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh goooodnesssssssss!!!

i just got so excited to see that he's in ft knox! my boyfriend is at basic training there right now as well! i miss him dearly and i know how you feel. unfortunately, i cant send packages or anything, but its alright.

how much longer is here there?