Amish Friendship bread...

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
My neighbor gave me a bag of this, we made it and started more starters ( I'm pretty sure Amish don't have instant pudding... but I can't back that up ). Anyway the one I got from the neighbor mostly smelled sweet like yeast, but these ones are strong, like fermenting beer smell... Is this normal and I just didn't smell them that well before or should I toss them out? I don't know!
From what I remember, the first few days thats exactly what it smells like. Should start to go away and get more "yeasty" as it ages.
Some of them do get kinda stinky but after baking them they still taste good. You can also freeze the starters (just a thought). Btw Amish will buy instant pudding lol
When we had our starter it smelled pretty yeasty and strong. And it certainly looked questionable when it was all bubbly. It turned out okay though. But once you mix all the sugar and pudding stuff in, it will taste fine I'm sure!
Good to know! I couldn't remember the first batch smelling like this... but then again I probably didn't have four bags of it sitting here, lol.

I don't doubt that the Amish would buy instant pudding, I just thought it was odd if it's supposed to be an Amish recipe that it would have instant pudding in it... < skeptical face >