Almost died laughing...

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2010
Rochester, NY
The wife and I were trying to get the 3 new baby chins to bath tonight. We tried using a smaller mason quart sized jar so they could bath without being tumbled upon.

A few seconds after the 3rd chin decided they wanted nothing to do with the jar, Bonny the mom zipped under my arm and tried to cram half her body into the jar and attempted a spin.

My wife and I were laughing so hard trying to get her out of the jar, get the cage closed without a chin jumping out.
I use gallon pickle jars, and amazed when 2 adults get in together, and still manage to spin!!
We tried using a smaller mason quart sized jar so they could bath without being tumbled upon.
This is the secret to bathing chins that don't like it.... throw them in a small area like a gallon pickle jar. The overzealous one will kick up such a mess and cloud that the one that hates bathing gets it regardless.

Most of the babies here get dusted by proximity until they're a few weeks old and they figure it out. Squeaks of confusion, bouncing, and all. I've had as many as three large adults squash into a gallon jar, they're funny.

Next time just make sure you have the camera ready, those make the best videos! :D
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