Does anyone know, what it is about a chinchilla that a person is allergic to? Is it the fur? I am having a problem with Ash, the blind chinchilla I rescued. I never used to be so allergic to chins but now everytime I hold him I get this big red burning itching rash and hives :cry3: And so I cant really take him out much or often and I feel so bad. I made a commitment to keep him since he was blind and I didnt want to change his home again so I am reluctant to adopt him out. And also because if his eye gets infected again or his other eye ruptures and he needs vet care again it will be hard to find someone to adopt him that is willing to take an animal that could need life long vet care... I just dont know what to do. Is there any thing I can do to lessen the amount of dander or what ever it is on his fur that im allergic to?