All Living Things Water Bottle?

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2011
Dirty South
I was at Petsmart last weekend getting all the necessaries for my chins, and the lady said they were out of the Super Pet bottles, so I picked up the only one they had, a glass bottle called "All Living Things." It has that vaccum/ball thing at the end, and attaches on the outside of the cage so the chins couldn't chew it if they tried!

I refilled it earlier this evening and noticed there was massive dripping water going on. I'd never noticed it before. I tested and retested it, and finally realized by hanging it at an odd (like it's almost tipping over) angle would prevent drips. In the future, though, I think I probably need to change how full it is....either fill it up more (which wouldn't be much) or not as much and just fill more often.

Anyway, I wondered if any of you had experience with that brand, or similar problems with the dripping as it relates to angle of hanging/water level??
I have 5 glass water bottels at the moment. Labeled Super Pet on the front. They hang from the outside as well and cant rly be touched by the pets inside.

The dripping problem, as far is iv noticed, generaly seems to be a watter pressue issue. A lot of ppl that iv seen fill a bottel, simply fill it, attach it to cage, end of story. And it always leaks. You need to tap the end of it a fiar bit to let some water out and some air in to ballance it. Most times that will solve the dripping problem. Tho sometimes it gets uneven again during transport to the cage. So you may have to attach it and tap the end a few more times again.

90% of the time if not more, that works for me.
I have 6 All Living Things water bottles and 6+ SuperPet bottles. I think they are the same exact thing. I have had a SuperPet leak out once but other than that I have no problems with them. I fill them up all the way, screw on the nozzle, flip it upright, let the air come up, then shake it (down and up) once or twice to force any air out of the nozzle.

But if you can't get it to work properly, return it and get a Lixit bottle found in the bird isle. Based on what everyone says I think Lixit are more reliable.
The Petsmart by me no longer carries the Lixit bottles and replaced them with the All Living Things water bottle, which I found in the bird aisle and not in the small pet aisles.

They look more like the Lixit's than the super pet bottles to me. I recently bought 2 of them and have no problems with them.

The Petsmart by me no longer carries the Lixit bottles and replaced them with the All Living Things water bottle, which I found in the bird aisle and not in the small pet aisles.

They look more like the Lixit's than the super pet bottles to me. I recently bought 2 of them and have no problems with them.


Yes, that is it exactly! :D Thanks everybody, I think I've finally figured it out.