Air conditioning

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Active member
Mar 23, 2013
A few days ago i managed to get my hands on a rather old (but still working fine) air conditioner for the chin for £20... the only problem is it has no vent hose thus I must stand it on the window sill with the window open all the time.

This is fine during the day, except it makes it difficult at night as I have to turn it off and close the window. The next morning it takes quite a while to get the teperature back down, I can't quite bring myself to leave the window open at night even though I live in a small village with no crime I keep thinking I will wake up and find a face staring back at me...

Anyway, does anyone have a solution to this? And does anyone know if any vent hoses are universal? I suspect not as the vent on mine is square, and all the vent hoses I can find are circular....

What is the make of air conditioner? Have you tried contacting the company to see if they can sell you the correct sized hose?
What is the make of air conditioner? Have you tried contacting the company to see if they can sell you the correct sized hose?

The make is electro aire.. It appears they only do large units now and dont even make portables as far as I could see...
Have you tried ebay? Or just a Google search for the part you need? I found the wheel for a 20 year old vacuum cleaner that isn't made any more by doing a Google search.
Maybe take a trip down to a hardware store and see if you can find something that would be suitable? AC stores might sell something that isn't perfect but you could still use and a store selling washers and dryers might also have something.
Alternatively if you can find a way to secure it in your window and get a piece of wood or something to block the gap that might work to prevent someone from creeping on you while you sleep
You may also be able to use another portable a/c vent hose by securing it to the square on the machine using Saran type food plastic and a good roll of duct tape. Then you can put the panel that goes into the window(should come with the new hose hopefully) and secure it down with the window panel. Next for safety and peace of mind you could either put a nail inside the window track to lock the window down or simply get a piece of dowel road/broom stick , and cut that to fit between the space of the lowered panel up to the top of the window. Either of these would be a good deterent on thieves. We used to have sliding patio doors in a house and we always just shut the door and wedged a piece of thick wood dowel in the tract on the floor to keep intruders from popping the door open.Hope I make sense(pain meds after knee surgery)!!