Advice anyone? Possible torn ACL...

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
Deer Park, WA
I have no experience with this, so any advice is appreciated. I know chins better than I do dog health so if anything sounds off, let me know. Thanks!

Matty is an 8 year old lab/shepherd/rottweiler/ridgeback mix. She was limping on her left rear leg so we went to the vet this morning...a new vet that we've never seen before, but after today, I really like her. The vet is a little stumped though.

We had a good start to our visit. Matty impressed the vet and vet assistant with her unique, shiny, soft, wavy fur. The vet was also very impressed with her weight, gums, teeth and ears (yay, I'm doing something right!). Her heart sounds, eyes, temp, etc. also checked out good.

On to the problem...the vet determined that Matty's knee is probably what is causing her to limp. Matty gave no sign of tenderness or pain as the vet checked out her leg, but the knee was the only thing she found that seemed abnormal. She manipulated it as best she could (Matty was very tense) and noticed there was a lot of movement. She checked the 'good' one too, and the same thing there, though not quite as much movement as the left/bad one.

X-Rays were the next step. They sedated her and took 5 x-rays. Both knees are somewhat abnormal. The bones looks good, but there is some minor shadowing around the edges on both knees...more so on the left one. There appears to be more fluid than normal in both joints. I can't remember the exact words the vet used, but she said in joint part of the knee there's supposed to be like a triangle (on the x-ray)...Matty has more of a heart shape on both knees.

So the vet initially thought it might be a torn ACL, now she's not sure. When Matty limps, she kind of turns her leg inward. The vet said most dogs with a torn ACL hold it outward. Because of that, she's thinking maybe she tore a different ligament, but she just isn't sure. The fact that both knees looks abnormal in the same way also just adds a bit more confusion. She said, best case scenario, Matty has weird knees and is limping because of a sprain. Rest and pain killers will take care of that. Worst case, it's a torn ACL and she may need surgery. That's what scares me. Even worse case, she possibly has bone cancer, but the vet only mentioned this before x-rays and didn't think it was likely.

She wants to send the x-rays to a radiologist(?) and see if we can get some more insight. The x-rays took longer than expected (had to redo one because Matty's tail was in the way) and by the time we were finishing up, I was running late for work and didn't really want to be rushed into a decision. The vet suggested we just put Matty on pain killers for now and I'll call and let her know what I want to do on Monday.

After thinking about it, I've decided to have the x-rays sent off for to see what they say. That will cost $75. Not too terrible, but it's what comes next that scares me.

Has anyone dealt with a torn ACL or possible torn ACL or anything like this? What did you do? How did it work out?

The vet sent me home with a weeks worth of Rimadyl. What is everyone's opinion on Rimadyl? I was not offered any other pain med options (not that I know enough about them to make an informed decision). I was told that some people don't like the possible side effects of Rimadyl and that if we were to keep her on it long term, she'd have to get a blood test to check for liver problems first.

Oh, Matty's hips were in a couple of the x-rays and the vet said they look ok. One side of the joint is a little flatter than she'd like, but not enough to worry about. She also said she didn't see any major signs of arthritis in her hip joints either, which surprised me.
In humans I know if it is only a partialy torn ACL it will grow back together with tissue that is not as strong as the original but will do fine. If it's torn all the way through it can't grow back together. It's true that usually with ACL tears the foot points outward for stability. So this may be a different type of tear or sprain, and many other ligaments can repair by themselves even if torn through. Even if the ACL is torn she may not have to have surgery, I have spent years with a torn ACL in the past and it only went out once in awhile when I'd go skiing or dancing or something like that. Oh and Xrays won't show anything about her ligaments and tendons. I think she's going to be fine pretty soon.
In larger dogs such as Matty the ligaments tend to wear with age causing more fluid to appear around the knee which might explain the xrays. My dog Shandy had surgery for this when she was 3 yrs old and her knee went inwards not outwards. Yes it was very expensive and we were warned by our vet that it might not work but we did it anyway to give her a chance. In our case it worked fine and we had Shandy for another 5 years until she got mammary gland cancer.

My vet also mentioned bone cancer at the time but that was just a worse case scenario. On the downside you will need to treat Matty for arthritis as he will develop it. In fact I would start now. Good luck to you both :hug2:
im no help but I wanted to wish Matty a speedy recovery. I hope it is nothing serious.
Most cruciates I've seen require surgery. You could check out this site: They have a brace for cruciates. Not sure how expensive they are though. We looked at it as a possibility for our dog who was having issues as well. She is only 2 nad after rest and pain rx she is fine. Doesn't mean it won't happen again though.
Hope he's better soon. (and there are other pain medications out there)

I just read his age, and if he were mine I'd have bloodwork done anyway just to check liver, kidneys, etc. I know Rimadyl can cause problems with labs in particular, but that does not mean it will. Labs and Rotts are notorious for bone cancer.
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Thanks Pam! I checked out the Woundwear brace and it looks like something we might try. We're still waiting on the radiologists opinion to see if maybe there's something else going on, but I'm going to talk to the vet about the brace and see what she thinks. We'll also have to talk about whether we want to brace just the left or both knees.

The Rimadyll is helping a little, but she still doesn't want to put weight on her left leg so I think I'm going to talk to the vet about maybe trying something else.
I hope it helps! Let me know how things go, I'm curious to know how these braces work, do they work well etc.
If she's been on the Rimadyl for a week, you should notice a difference by now if it's working. Maybe she needs a stronger dose, or she needs a pain medication.

Jake was on Rimadyl after surgery to remove a lypoma and he did really well on it. I think different dogs just react differently to it. I've heard horror stories and blessings...
You can also use buffered asprin for pain relief but you cannot use if with Rimadyl. He'd have to go off the Rimadyl for a 48 hours before starting the buffered asprin.

I lost my beloved dog to osteosarcoma (bone cancer). If it turns out that's what your boy has please feel free to contact me. I will pray for him that it is another issue and that he'll heal up soon.